So today I tackled another corner of my apartment. It's nice to have the old two bedroom back!!
Bowser decided to sit in my chair and manage the opperation.... watching over me to make sure I stayed on task. Unfortunately this just made me want to take photos of him and he can't talk so couldn't object.
Then I realized why Bowser was watching, he didn't want me to be on task at all, oh no. He wanted me to empty boxes so he could play with them!!! Silly cat.
I bought this hideously ugly shoe vase for my grandma for her last grandmother's day before she died. Little did I know that she'd will the damn thing to me. I was going for "most old ladlyish" if I'd have known that I'd be the one who ended up with it I'd completely have gone for something my own style.
OMG I totally have shelving now!! I finally got these babes set up and ready to be filled with stuff... I still have two more left to get in order though.
That chest I bought at the antique store that I buy a lot of my old vintage buttons at. It's what i use to keep my button collection in... when it gets too full I start giving them out as gifts. My fave one I gave was to my Craig (who's gay) that was this vintage one with a purple background that had an image of an adult hand holding on to a child's hand and it read "Put your hand in the hand of a man." Still gives me the giggles when I see it. The bottle there is my perfume that I'm a nazi about wearing daily. I'm hoping I get another bottle for my bday this year or I'll have to pick up some crappy local stuff until I make it somewhere they carry Cartier.
It's so nice having stuff up even if it's super crowded right now cause I don't have many places to put things.
Can you tell that I really like candle's and photos? It's going to be even worse by the time it's done.
Oh, I totally got my printer fixed, too!!! Now only to get enough crap done around my apartment where I'm back to feeling good playing again... then it's button time!
It's from Treasure Planet. Jim Hawkins was emo before emo was cool.