Sometimes being young and reckless yet fiscally responsible puts me in an awkward position! So many party opportunities but so little money! My funds could be better spent on home improvement or food. Having vodka on my cheerios instead of milk every morning loses its charm after the third week and makes me consider the possibility that I may have to break down and buy groceries. Okay, so I'm kidding about the vodka and cheerios...but not the fact that I have no milk! Really though, is there such a thing as too much partying while you are still young enough to do it without consequences that aren't financially related? I am perplexed indeed..
Sometimes being young and reckless yet fiscally responsible puts me in an awkward position! So many party opportunities but so little money! My funds could be better spent on home improvement or food. Having vodka on my cheerios instead of milk every morning loses its charm after the third week and makes me consider the possibility that I may have to break down and buy groceries. Okay, so I'm kidding about the vodka and cheerios...but not the fact that I have no milk! Really though, is there such a thing as too much partying while you are still young enough to do it without consequences that aren't financially related? I am perplexed indeed..
^--- A+
you should get outta nanaimo and over to the mainland. I did, and i love it