Staving off the melancholy of an unholy day with a severe infusuion of online geekiness. For all you sad sacks out there still languishing in the world of 56k, I submit the following as a gentle reminder of how you are viewed by we, the high-speed internet elite. Let us never speak of this.... this.... Dial-up again.
I need Superglue. I know that gluing just the one little foot back on will only make my dear Lappy lopsided and tilty once again, but it's the principle of the thing. I mean, if you're a laptop and you've lost all your little rubber feet, you really haven't got a leg to stand on anymore, and I mean that in all possible senses! I, if I were Lola the Laptop, would feel most bereft without even one little rubber foot to call my own. So I shall find Superglue, and she, the Sovereign Mistress of Glory in Red, will tilt once more, as she used to do.