Note to all: I NEVER EVER look at this anymore. I stay for the pictures of pretty girls. Other than that, I come around... once in three months, if that. If you really want to talk to me or read about me, go look at this instead. Comment there if you wish, and I'll actually find you. Comment here and you'll be buried in dust.
It's been a long time, hasn't it? Sorry guys, just... been boring, really. Nothing to say. I've been in what I suppose one could call a creative rut, not so much lacking in ideas as lacking in the spirit to put them down. I was drawing for a bit, but as always I'm impatient with my abilities... my drawing skills are severely stunted, actually. Part...
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So why do you prefer Aetolia.. I'm trying to decide which iron realms game to play. Any info you could gimme would be helpful.
<in my best waitstaff singing voice> Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday; It's Your Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday!!! smile

rick ARRR!!!

AKA the birthday stalker...
I added a picture of my cat. Just 'cause I love her, and because she's being particularly cute/annoying today. There are sparrows fighting on my windowsill and she has crashed tiny-two-colored-face-first into the windowpane no less than four times in the last fifteen minutes. Must go rescue her/the birds/the window now.
EVIL EYES!!!! eeek
Heh a stepfather eating cat, you could probably make pretty good money off something like that.
Okay, I couldnt possibly even begin to fathom why my connection is being screwy right now, but it is. The little lights on the modem are blinking, blinking away in their normally reassuring cheery little way but still, time and time and timeout again I am unable to access the lifelines of my geek psyche. Even the illustrious Suicide Girls (yes, I am talking about...
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Maybe I need to clarify for those unrefined neanderthals out there who can't see why libraries rock so much: because, while their CD collections generally suck, I have very idiosyncratic musical tastes, which means that I can find all kinds of things that normal people wouldn't be interested in but just make ME oogie all over myself, to be perfectly frank. Then I check these...
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hey. I went to school at CDO but am currrently at Pima. what about yourself?? i must agree libraries do indeed rock and The producers is one of my all time fav. mell brooks films/musicals. I see you are a D n' D fan, i used to love that game, alas i cant find anyone who will play it with me anymore. So now all the RPG games i play are online frown

[Edited on Apr 09, 2005 2:45AM]
I wish it was my self portrait, what i wouldn't give to be that dead sexy!!
So.... new picture. Though the quality is not quite as sexy as it has the potential to be, still, lovely in a mummy-shoud sort of way. Have I mentioned that I have a thing for shrouds and otherwise diaphenous or unsecured clothing? Yeah, apparently I do.
Hmm, what else. The pinkeye has left the building, thank fucking god. That was miserable and a half. As...
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Excuse me, libraries are cooler than anything else in the world. Perhaps if you ever visited one you would know that. biggrin tongue
a cool girl from Tucson who likes RPG games..? how do i not know you, allow me to make this our introduction.
Guess what? I have PINK EYE. Yes, that would be viral conjunctivitis. This is just ridiculous.... pink eye to me is a disease you get when you're in first grade and the snotty kid at the next desk fails to stay home and get well. Not something that lays me out and makes my boss send me home from work 'cause I'm going to get...
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Hmm... haven't had much to say for a few days. Street Fair was fine... grueling, boring, exhausting, but fine. I'm glad it's over. I've been writing a lot, which is good, 'cause the three people who routinely distract me from any endeavour save talking to them are all out of reach at the moment. The-Best-Friend-In-The-World is in Lake Tahoe or something skiing (that bitch), the...
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Changed my picture, 'cause I like it. Hope whatever website I stole this from doesn't sue me. It's called Militaire de Dieu, for those of you who know French or even have enough of a brain to suss cognates, and it's supposed to be Joan of Arc, which was my nickname for a few years. It actually does look a lot like me when my...
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dammit my brain can't suss cognates.

*kicks brain*

I like it too
So I watched Clive Barker's Lord of Illusions last night. It was... fine. I've been trying to expand my knowledge of Barker's directing credits since I'm such an addict of his written work, but for the most part I'm being held up by my severe antipathy towards old movies (read: anything made before 1980.) I don't know what it is, I just can't stand 'em....
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