I met Morgan last night. That was different. Not quite the same emotions as once before. I'm getting better at this whole controlling emotions thingy! Yay me!!!

BTW, we ROCKED at The Royal Last night. Solarium Forever! Got some good pics too.
Life has given me some interesteing turns. All I can say is that I'll accept whatever else comes my way. Side note, the ankles are healing just fine. Still a little sore, but I'm making it.

18 days sober and counting ARRR!!!

What can I say? When you're right, you're right. I'm not going to promise that I'm going to stop drinking all together, but after the events of this weekend I WILL calm down on my intake. Now it's Tuesday, I haven't had a drink since Saturday. That's pretty good for me. Now given the circumstances, after an accident like that, I'm not much...
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do i know you or did you just friend me for the hell of it? just wondering... you live close so i wasn't sure.
Something in my life is urgently wrong. No amount of drink (and trust me, I've tried) quenches my thirst. No capacious amount of food satisfies my hunger. The touch of a companion grants me no solace. I'm certain there is some sort of resolution to my debacle, however at this time I am completely at a loss. Any ideas?

Oh well, I guess it's time...
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What's wrong?
You cut me deep, Shrek , you cut me real deep just now...
How am I Shrek? And how the hell did I cut you??
My parents are gone. frown I thought I'd be happier about this, but I started thinking and I've never really been away from my parents for more than 3 maybe 4 weeks. This is going to be interesting. The worst part is that now I have no home base. My house that I vivdly remember is gone. Sold on the market to the highest bidder. 18...
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Way to disappear before we got there. tongue
I watched a baby this weekend. His name is Mykah. He's adorable. His mother had to work and needed someone to watch him, so I said no problem. Now, for those of you who don't know, I'm nuts about his mother!!! Don't it get twisted, she's my age, and she has a 5 month old son. We were supposedly "set-up", but I slowed things down...
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What's so disturbing about communion wafers? Plenty of churches use Saltines for communion, but I doubt that you would puke at the thought of someone eating those at home. shocked
One of these days I shall have sex again and I honestly feel sorry for whoever it turns out to be. I say this because I know within my heart of hearts, I'm going to tear that pussy up!!! This is not boasting of any kind. This is a simple truth. I haven't had sex since early January, I'm horny as fuck, and I've stopped...
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Why would you stop masturbating??? shocked I don't even think that's legal...
To whom it may concern:

Fuck the world! Fuck you, your momma and your sister too. Fuck bums on the street always asking me for spare change. (What the fuck is spare change?) Fuck the MTA for always been late when I need them and every-fucking-where when I'm just walking around town. Fuck my frat brothers. Fuck my soror sisters. Fuck MY sister! Fuck my...
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Funny....I seem to be spared your rage in this particular entry. Did I do something right? shocked

smile Smile.
An April Fool's joke, apparently. I hate this fucking day. You can't even trust your friends.

And I told you to smile, there was no smile in your last comment. What's up with that?