Most of you know I have a part-time job on the weekend. Most of you know what it is and where it is located. I shall leave out specifics for the "protection" of others, but honestly I don't really give a flying fuck.
Recently there has been a change in management and as usual that means a change in policy or the application of certain policy. I'm fine with that. Things always have and always will change. Now, call me crazy, but if you're going to change policy, it would make sense for you to post these changes so that everybody knows what's going on at the same time. Telling or correcting each individual after an infraction of the new policy is a highly ineffective and inefficient. Not to mention that it contradicts current policy already set by corporate.
All of that aside, how do figure it's okay for you to do something no more that 2 minutes after you've already told someone (a subversive, a.k.a. an employee) that they are no longer able to do said action. Not only is it hypocritical, but also by being in a manager it makes you look like an unskilled, untrained, and uncaring asshole. Lead by fucking example. If you're going to tell us that we can not drink or smoke during work hours, how can you justify having a beer before close, or coming back smelling like smoke after you've "disappeared" for more that 5 minutes?
Also, if you're not going to communicate, correct, or properly train people, why bitch about them? I'm sure they're frustrating. I'm sure they aggravate the hell out of you. However, if you yourself have openly admitted not doing your job to the best of your ability, how can you expect your staff to do any better? If you don't tell them what they're doing wrong, how the hell are they ever going fix it? How is complaining about it weekend after weekend going to help business?
One last thing, what you say is only effective based on how you say it!!!!!
You can tell me I'm an asshole or that I've fucked something up. You can tell me that you want to give a raise and promote me to a position above you. It doesn't matter what you're saying to me. I guarantee that if you're yelling or screaming at me, I'm not going to give two shits what you're saying. The only thing I'm going to be thinking is, "Who is this mother-fucker yelling at?" "Why haven't I put my fist through his/her face and my foot through their ass?"
Recently there has been a change in management and as usual that means a change in policy or the application of certain policy. I'm fine with that. Things always have and always will change. Now, call me crazy, but if you're going to change policy, it would make sense for you to post these changes so that everybody knows what's going on at the same time. Telling or correcting each individual after an infraction of the new policy is a highly ineffective and inefficient. Not to mention that it contradicts current policy already set by corporate.
All of that aside, how do figure it's okay for you to do something no more that 2 minutes after you've already told someone (a subversive, a.k.a. an employee) that they are no longer able to do said action. Not only is it hypocritical, but also by being in a manager it makes you look like an unskilled, untrained, and uncaring asshole. Lead by fucking example. If you're going to tell us that we can not drink or smoke during work hours, how can you justify having a beer before close, or coming back smelling like smoke after you've "disappeared" for more that 5 minutes?
Also, if you're not going to communicate, correct, or properly train people, why bitch about them? I'm sure they're frustrating. I'm sure they aggravate the hell out of you. However, if you yourself have openly admitted not doing your job to the best of your ability, how can you expect your staff to do any better? If you don't tell them what they're doing wrong, how the hell are they ever going fix it? How is complaining about it weekend after weekend going to help business?
One last thing, what you say is only effective based on how you say it!!!!!
You can tell me I'm an asshole or that I've fucked something up. You can tell me that you want to give a raise and promote me to a position above you. It doesn't matter what you're saying to me. I guarantee that if you're yelling or screaming at me, I'm not going to give two shits what you're saying. The only thing I'm going to be thinking is, "Who is this mother-fucker yelling at?" "Why haven't I put my fist through his/her face and my foot through their ass?"