So I bought Craig Marriner's new book 'Southern Style' a few days ago but I'm still trying to finish this weird fuckin' thing by William Golding, 'Darkness Visible.' Very strange. I'm almost finished and I still don't quite know what the hell is going on. So much uni work to do and all I want to do is read books in bed and drink tea.
On another note, it's me and my girlfriend's one year anniversary this tuesday. Holy fuck!! I've got some stuff planned for the week after. I'm taking her to a Ben Harper acoustic show in Auckland and then spending the night at the Carlton Hotel. Should be awesome.
Pete's Words of Wisdom:
Fucking before work puts you in a great mood! (Although it can also make you late)
That is all.
On another note, it's me and my girlfriend's one year anniversary this tuesday. Holy fuck!! I've got some stuff planned for the week after. I'm taking her to a Ben Harper acoustic show in Auckland and then spending the night at the Carlton Hotel. Should be awesome.
Pete's Words of Wisdom:
Fucking before work puts you in a great mood! (Although it can also make you late)
That is all.
Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes!
Good shit one the 1 year mate. I'm about to hit 4 years with mine in a couple of days.