Man fuck this. I'm sick of these lame changes to the site. My account runs out in a couple of weeks - I think this is going to be the end of my time here. Not that anyone will miss me, I haven't made any impact at all as far as the "community" is concerned. Why the hell do the admin have to keep changing...
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i just skulled back three cans of red bull. am feeling kinda weird now. like the world is moving too slow.
isn't this stuff supposed to help you concentrate? my minds skittering around like a room of p addicts.
i say again: jesus.
this isn't getting my essay done at all. and i was doing so well. fuck.
isn't this stuff supposed to help you concentrate? my minds skittering around like a room of p addicts.
i say again: jesus.
this isn't getting my essay done at all. and i was doing so well. fuck.
Ha... Someone seems stressed! Haha
Thank fuck im not studying
Thank fuck im not studying

Yum I have burger fuel the other night for dinner.. Hom chom.
What tasty place to work!
What tasty place to work!
Assignments beckon, but by Jove I really can't be arsed. Procrastination is too much fun. You can get a lot of things done when you're meant to be doing something else.
Wow fuck a whole hour has gone since I wrote that and I still haven't done a thing. This is getting rediculous. I have two days. Should be fine.
Wow fuck a whole hour has gone since I wrote that and I still haven't done a thing. This is getting rediculous. I have two days. Should be fine.
I am tired of these motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane
Wiser words have not been said. Went to the H-town premiere last night. Holy crap, that movie is fuckin' sweet. Had a few drinks beforehand (a casual six in under thirty minutes) then off to the cinema. Man, that shit was worth the motherfuckin' wait. Boobs, snakes, snakes on boobs, everything you could ever...
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Wiser words have not been said. Went to the H-town premiere last night. Holy crap, that movie is fuckin' sweet. Had a few drinks beforehand (a casual six in under thirty minutes) then off to the cinema. Man, that shit was worth the motherfuckin' wait. Boobs, snakes, snakes on boobs, everything you could ever...
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Thanx for positive comment! Even though I know it's right to leave him and he knows it's right.. Still hard
Tied between feelings of love and hate after what he put me through
BUT... . . Weekend is coming and im in need of night out of house for sure ha
Think the girls already have plans for me
Tied between feelings of love and hate after what he put me through
BUT... . . Weekend is coming and im in need of night out of house for sure ha
Think the girls already have plans for me

Night out in Hamilscum that is
Surely not to be too outrageous
Surely not to be too outrageous
Happy birthday to me!!!
wow so sweet to say you've been waiting for my set
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed my set
oh and happy bday. ...btw

oh and happy bday. ...btw

Ahh life is good. Listening to the new Muse album. It is very cool. Can't wait 'til they come back down this way.
Had a bit of trouble with the flat lately. While everyone was away for my girlfriend's 21st, the one guy who was left invited a new "friend" over, proceeded to get really really stoned then fell asleep. Not really such a good...
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Had a bit of trouble with the flat lately. While everyone was away for my girlfriend's 21st, the one guy who was left invited a new "friend" over, proceeded to get really really stoned then fell asleep. Not really such a good...
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Okay so this was a surprise. I'm not sure if I like the new layout or not. Change scares me, and this is definately change. Oh well, I've never been refered to as a "captivating, intoxicating individual" before, so that's a plus, I guess.
Thanks for the set comments!


So I bought Craig Marriner's new book 'Southern Style' a few days ago but I'm still trying to finish this weird fuckin' thing by William Golding, 'Darkness Visible.' Very strange. I'm almost finished and I still don't quite know what the hell is going on. So much uni work to do and all I want to do is read books in bed and drink tea....
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Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes!
Good shit one the 1 year mate. I'm about to hit 4 years with mine in a couple of days.
I've done something to my back. I don't know what though. But it fucking hurts.
Am having a very uncomfortable time right now.
Am having a very uncomfortable time right now.
At least you have a mountain of boobs and bums to discover on SG to keep ya happy.
taking time of work or studies to chill it out?
It's an unfallable excuse!
use it to your advantage!
taking time of work or studies to chill it out?
It's an unfallable excuse!
use it to your advantage!
Wow what a whiny fucking bitch.
Note to self: don't update your journal when drunk and pissed off.
Everything is fine now, anyway.
Note to self: don't update your journal when drunk and pissed off.
Everything is fine now, anyway.
Why thank you! And don't worry about being a whiny bitch, it's what blogs are for

thanks very much Mr.