♥ a magic camera elf has both fulfilled my dslr dreams (with a rebel xt that is very beautiful) and by diagnosing my slr problem as....(this is embarassing)...a dead battery. so, uh, yeah. i'm excited about the rebel!! feeling silly about my other camera though.
♥ my labour day weekend was 1.) friggin hot 2.) fun 3.) filled with sg members!!
- friday: hanging out with _jordan_, his lady and almightymabel. dinner at pokez (sooo good!), hanging out with a.mabel's hilarious dogs and snake, and planet unicorn, heyyy!
- saturday, me + el hus hit up the sgsd zoo excursion with too many people for me to type out their names. i am lazy. the sd zoo is HUGE! we were there for 3-4 hours and we saw like 1/10 of it. my favourite part was the petting zoo. we hit up the bar pink elephant for girly drinks after that, and much later we went to a cheeseball strip bar with almightymabel, _jordan_ and thedarkharlequin. overall the day was so great. i love zoos because even though having animals in captivity is sad, i think it's necessary to raise awareness and conserve endangered species.
- sunday: pool party at chloe and trixie's featuring dancer29, _mike_ and _amy_. chloe makes the best potato salad and trixie was so sweet, she even bought me the most disgusting sausage she could find!! seriously, heart of gold.
- monday: we were trying to beat the heat. apparently the temperature measured at montgomery field airport, like 1.5 miles from our house, was 110?f (ish) which is around the 40?C mark. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, DUDES. that was not cool at all. i was a little rin-puddle. i wanted to make crepes for one of the meals but it was too gross and i could hardly move. our two fans were hardly enough.
♥ here are a WHOLE BUNCH OF PHOTOS. they were taken on my snazzledy new camera.
♥ here is a kind of collage of stuff in my house that is really cute.
♥ i am reading anna karenina. it is huge but an easy enough read. i am quite enjoying it, actually.
♥ i have awesome friends.
♥ i think i might stretch my ears further. sometime after i started stretching my ears (which was in 2002! holy flashback!) i heard that the biggest you could go and expect that your holes to stretch back to 'normal' was 0g. i figured i'd head to 0 and that's where i'd end up. well, i've been at 0g for a couple months and i'm just not satisfied. i want bigger holes! maybe not as big as lavonne's, but i will wait and see. i'd like to work on making myself some tunnels.
♥ i have a question! what do you like best about where you live?
sorry for my non responciveness (if thats even a word) i kept looking at these skateboards doing the best i could to work on them.