I love What not to Wear.
Bad TV is a vice. America's Top Model? Hell yes!
So my nipples are healing. They hurt more now then when I first got them. I expected as much. They don't hurt that much though. They also kind of itch.
Megalomatthew and I caught another mouse today. It was so itty bitty! Just a baby! I snapped a few pictures I'll upload later. There is still at least one mouse left (probably more). Those cute little bastards keep eating my food!
My birthday is coming up! I'll be 22, which is not so exciting. But it's my birthday so yay!
Not sure what I'm going to do yet. I'm thinking just dinner. I like food. Sushi maybe?

Bad TV is a vice. America's Top Model? Hell yes!
So my nipples are healing. They hurt more now then when I first got them. I expected as much. They don't hurt that much though. They also kind of itch.
Megalomatthew and I caught another mouse today. It was so itty bitty! Just a baby! I snapped a few pictures I'll upload later. There is still at least one mouse left (probably more). Those cute little bastards keep eating my food!
My birthday is coming up! I'll be 22, which is not so exciting. But it's my birthday so yay!
Not sure what I'm going to do yet. I'm thinking just dinner. I like food. Sushi maybe?

im sorry your nipples itch.
<3 and are you a virgo? cause virgos are rad...
anyway, off to benadryl dreamland i go...
We have rats in our warehouse where I work. they scare me. I'm a big wuss that way.
I wanted to pierce my nipples but there isn't much to pierce so I'll stick to tattoos for now.
Sushi sounds good. How about surf and turf? I talking like I'm going to be there-HA!