I used to watch Law and Order: SVU when I was in college as a way of gaining control over the sexual assaults I had experienced. It was a way I found to cope, listening to actors portraying police officers who cared about victims and helped them move forward as survivors. If the system was actually built to help women come forward, Kavanaugh would have been placed behind bars years ago rather than interviewing for a job he shouldn't be eligible for.
Heaven help us. I heard today on the radio that it's essentially a done deal and that lowlife will be on the supreme court. This is what it looks like when societies are approaching collapse. The corruption, cynicism and confidence of the ruling class are openly displayed with no concern for any possible consequences because their hold on power appears unbreakable. It never occurs to them that the whole system can unravel and they will be suffering along with everyone else. That is if they're lucky. History tells us that some corrupt rulers come to a sudden and rather unpleasant end. As for TV, I know what you mean. I watch many shows for the special pleasure of seeing kindness and caring portrayed in the way that should be commonplace but is often lacking in the real world.