Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I have been doing a lot of overtime at work. It's hard to find time to get online... Sleep has been much more appealing this week. i have a new favorite TV show... Chappelle's Show! it kicks ass!
Chappelle's show is good, but I feel awekward watching it. Some humor forces me to watch myself watching. Self-Awareness can be grand, but it kills comedy.

How is philly treating you? I fucking love the city (moving back in the fall).
I'm back!!!! Columbus was a nice change of pace, but I could never live there. too quiet, but lots of head shops eeek It was nice to see old friends.... oo oo ooo I saw Kill Bill 2! I loved it!!! The eyeball!!!!
well my cousin's funeral is on thursday, but i don't know if i'll be able to get off work... frown

but on a better note: i am going to visit my best friend, Craig, for 4 days. Lovely Columbus, OH. they don't even have a freakin' train station so i have to fly. if did do the train thing i would have to amtrak it to...
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Continued good thoughts and best wishes to you. smile

I've had a very roller coaster weekend. I'm an emotional Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast...a little of everything, none of it probably good for me in the long run. But I did drink a lot with friends...which is never bad. Mostly. wink

Have a great time with your friend. Cheers.
Well I just found out that my cousin was found dead last night... I feel very alone right now... frown
another hug... smile
thx for all the kind words..... smile
sitting at home alone.... i have been in Philly since September and still no friends outside of work. it sucks! most of them are older so they don't do the things that i do. the one person into the same music/scene as me is married and doesn't go out! i hate going to clubs by myself; i feel like a target for assholes. ARRRGH! i...
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I used to be in a similar situation; I never hung out with anyone but there was this really cool guy at work who was into lots of the same things as me (not only did he know who the Smiths and the Pixies were, but he liked them too, and knew just as much about them as I). But.... he was married and had kids and no time. so oh well.
Going out alone sucks. I do it all the time, and I hate it. I always feel like everybody sees me as the kid who came in alone. ha.
Today is the 10th of working 10 days straight. I am soooo happy that it's friday! biggrin i need a stiff drink and good sex...
hey - good luck gettin those needs met! smile