hi there, sexy people of the world. 
i have had many days free from work in the past two weeks and i am feeling quite refreshed. quite like myself.
frightening how easily these most important rights as earthly beings slip away when one must dole out just too much time each day to "the man". just ever so slightly too much. who decided upon forty hours a week, how did this come about? the government division of robo-human regulation, sub-division of the division of robo-human creation? i do wish to know.
of course i do need to continue the search for enjoyable and fulfilling employment.
work in some way, we must.
i wish i could live in the mountains and work, work harder than ever
but joyful work
work to sustain my own living off of the fat of the land.
frolic about naked in the sun
bake biscuits every morning
distill my own whisky
never, ever cut my hair again
read and write and play music so loud i could hear it though i might wander a mile away
well, i do suppose that i would need electricity, then
i do believe that it is a true shame though how so, so many devote their lives to work that is merely that: non-joyful and self-suppressing work. who let work define who they are, who believe that their work DOES define who they are. that our purpose in life IS work.
no, no, no!
we are entitled to so much more.
we are animals. and in the end, we will rot back into our earth. you may find this morbid, but i find it beautiful. the most liberating fact of our existence. never forget it.
"...All that matters is that the miraculous become the norm. even now, thwarted and frustrated though we may be, the miraculous is never wholly absent. But how grotesque, how awkward and clumsy are our efforts to induce it. All the ingenuity, all the heart-breaking labor spent on inventions, which are looked upon as wonder-working marvels, must be considered not only as sheer waste but as unconscious effort on man's part to forestall and evade the miraculous. We clutter the earth with our inventions, never dreaming that possibly they are unnecessary -- or disadvantageous. We devise astounding means of communication, but do we communicate with one another? We move our bodies to and fro at incredible speeds, but do we really leave the spot we started from? Mentally, morally, spiritually, we are fettered. What have we achieved in mowing down mountain ranges, harnessing the energy of mighty rivers, or moving whole populations about like chess pieces, if we ourselves remain the same restless, miserable, frustrated creatures we were before? To call such activity progress is utter delusion..."
- Henry Miller
(The World of Sex)
and now that i have gone off on one of my tangents,
onto some regular ole light chit-chat between you and i.
since we last spoke i hopped on megabus to new york and then immediately boarded a train to long island and indulged in my first nude beach experience with LizardAM. she is a wonderful and lovely person. it was a pleasure to meet her. and (drum roll, please) she shot me for suicide girls! this will be my first set in years. i hope that once it is ready and hits member review that you love it as much as i loved shooting it.

afterwards it was back on a train to new york, then on another train to new jersey to kick it with zepp101. this dude fucking rocks. it is amazing that one of my first SG friends has become one of my best friends of all time. my life would truly not be the same without all of the wonderful people i have met on this site. between he, my boyfriend, and i we crushed a half gallon of whiskey over excellent conversation, sleeping as the sun began to rise.
after devouring cheeseburgers loaded with bacon with cheese fries on the side at a jersey favorite, the white rose, cj and i headed back to new york city for the inked magazine metal party. free jager drinks. some great metal jams. a shit load of lovely people. a bangin good time.
i am in the july/august issue of inked girls, pick it up! especially if you missed the july issue of inked!

that's my name, don't wear it out
after a wild and wonderfully exhausting few days i returned to pittsburgh and my usual antics.
porch reading.

bed reading.

grave wandering in the endless allegheny cemetery by my house.
i love finding the beautiful gothic graves from the 1800's
so old that the heads have fallen off of some of the statues/carvings
i find this aspect so eerily lovely..

been jammin out constantly as always.

recent playlist:
Leviathan - Howl Mockery at the Cross
Nebula - Sun Creature
Sunn 0))) - Black One
Code Orange Kids - Split EP with Full of Hell
Wolves in the Throne Room - Celestial Lineage
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone
Mudhoney - Under a Billion Suns
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Eyehategod - Take as Needed for Pain
sewing some rad new shit out of some old shit.
like these tool panties

enjoying little aspects of the day
such as atheist grass and ducks wandering in unexpected places

and NOW!
i feel as though this blog is mammoth enough to call to an awkward halt.
stay peachy, till next time.
<3 Rexx

i have had many days free from work in the past two weeks and i am feeling quite refreshed. quite like myself.
frightening how easily these most important rights as earthly beings slip away when one must dole out just too much time each day to "the man". just ever so slightly too much. who decided upon forty hours a week, how did this come about? the government division of robo-human regulation, sub-division of the division of robo-human creation? i do wish to know.
of course i do need to continue the search for enjoyable and fulfilling employment.
work in some way, we must.
i wish i could live in the mountains and work, work harder than ever
but joyful work
work to sustain my own living off of the fat of the land.
frolic about naked in the sun
bake biscuits every morning
distill my own whisky
never, ever cut my hair again
read and write and play music so loud i could hear it though i might wander a mile away
well, i do suppose that i would need electricity, then

i do believe that it is a true shame though how so, so many devote their lives to work that is merely that: non-joyful and self-suppressing work. who let work define who they are, who believe that their work DOES define who they are. that our purpose in life IS work.
no, no, no!
we are entitled to so much more.
we are animals. and in the end, we will rot back into our earth. you may find this morbid, but i find it beautiful. the most liberating fact of our existence. never forget it.
"...All that matters is that the miraculous become the norm. even now, thwarted and frustrated though we may be, the miraculous is never wholly absent. But how grotesque, how awkward and clumsy are our efforts to induce it. All the ingenuity, all the heart-breaking labor spent on inventions, which are looked upon as wonder-working marvels, must be considered not only as sheer waste but as unconscious effort on man's part to forestall and evade the miraculous. We clutter the earth with our inventions, never dreaming that possibly they are unnecessary -- or disadvantageous. We devise astounding means of communication, but do we communicate with one another? We move our bodies to and fro at incredible speeds, but do we really leave the spot we started from? Mentally, morally, spiritually, we are fettered. What have we achieved in mowing down mountain ranges, harnessing the energy of mighty rivers, or moving whole populations about like chess pieces, if we ourselves remain the same restless, miserable, frustrated creatures we were before? To call such activity progress is utter delusion..."
- Henry Miller
(The World of Sex)
and now that i have gone off on one of my tangents,
onto some regular ole light chit-chat between you and i.

since we last spoke i hopped on megabus to new york and then immediately boarded a train to long island and indulged in my first nude beach experience with LizardAM. she is a wonderful and lovely person. it was a pleasure to meet her. and (drum roll, please) she shot me for suicide girls! this will be my first set in years. i hope that once it is ready and hits member review that you love it as much as i loved shooting it.

afterwards it was back on a train to new york, then on another train to new jersey to kick it with zepp101. this dude fucking rocks. it is amazing that one of my first SG friends has become one of my best friends of all time. my life would truly not be the same without all of the wonderful people i have met on this site. between he, my boyfriend, and i we crushed a half gallon of whiskey over excellent conversation, sleeping as the sun began to rise.

after devouring cheeseburgers loaded with bacon with cheese fries on the side at a jersey favorite, the white rose, cj and i headed back to new york city for the inked magazine metal party. free jager drinks. some great metal jams. a shit load of lovely people. a bangin good time.

i am in the july/august issue of inked girls, pick it up! especially if you missed the july issue of inked!

that's my name, don't wear it out

after a wild and wonderfully exhausting few days i returned to pittsburgh and my usual antics.
porch reading.

bed reading.

grave wandering in the endless allegheny cemetery by my house.
i love finding the beautiful gothic graves from the 1800's
so old that the heads have fallen off of some of the statues/carvings
i find this aspect so eerily lovely..

been jammin out constantly as always.

recent playlist:
Leviathan - Howl Mockery at the Cross
Nebula - Sun Creature
Sunn 0))) - Black One
Code Orange Kids - Split EP with Full of Hell
Wolves in the Throne Room - Celestial Lineage
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone
Mudhoney - Under a Billion Suns
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Eyehategod - Take as Needed for Pain
sewing some rad new shit out of some old shit.
like these tool panties

enjoying little aspects of the day
such as atheist grass and ducks wandering in unexpected places

and NOW!
i feel as though this blog is mammoth enough to call to an awkward halt.
stay peachy, till next time.
<3 Rexx

Nice panties! I used to sew when I was a youngin'.... Should learn again.
Somewhere new and different really. I've only lived in Colorado a year but I'm thinking it would be great to go a few places to figure out where i really want to end up when it comes time to start a career. preferably somewhere its nice-ish year round.