hi there my love biscuits. 
i initially typed "love muffins"...but then i was struck by an overwhelming craving for biscuits.
so how is everyone this evening?
it is friday night. woooo! or something.
i feel like cooking something delicious and smothered in cayenne pepper. making a pot of coffee. reading. relaxing. listening to tunes. maybe drink a beer and socialize but....probably not. most of my roommates are out of town. house to myself. = got my eyes set to hermit-ize
also = no pants cooking. bahahaaaa. don't get that often when you reside in a home with five men.
as of right now i'm down the street borrowing my best friends computer to look at boobs. her room is nice and sunny. i love it. i am listening to outbreak. i love that too. she has a kati roll sign on the wall. i really love that.
and speaking of kati roll...!!!!
i spent three weekends in a row in pittsburgh which is far too long for me to EVER be in one place. the travel bug had bitten long ago and the wound was now at an unbearable point of festering. so last weekend after work i could no longer stand it and ran to the megabus ten blocks away and skedaddled to new york city. i arrived around one a.m. where my super awesome friend zepp101 met me. we immediately proceeded to kati roll and devoured shami kabaab rolls. after said devouration we made haste to ace bar and drank delicious beers and had amazing and much needed conversation and awesome laughs and good times until the bars shut down at 4 a.m. zepp101 rules.
we then wandered the streets for a few hours, suffered some mild confusion getting the subway back to jersey, but sustained our lives with a stash of peanut butter cookies i had heisted from my bakery earlier that day. made friends with a very sweaty european boy. finally making it back to jersey around 7:30 a.m.
awoke later to pound down the he-man breakfast at the mark twain diner. i had this the first time i came to jersey and refuse to leave without it ever since. 2 pancakes. shitload of bacon. 2 sausage. 2 eggs. 2 french toast. plus a vanilla milkshake and a few cheesestix =
we then picked up some folks. pounded beers in the parking lot of citifield. mets game was fucking awesome although they lost but really i just love the smell of hot dogs and fries and watching tens of thousands of people getting drunk and crazy at sporting events while of course drinking beer myself.
and of course...dundundundun dundunnnnn.....CHARGE.

then back to jerz and there were beers and blunts and cool cats and i dug i dug i dug and in the morning i was on a bus again whisked back to the pittsburghian lands feeling fulfilled.
on wednesday at approximately 5:00 a.m. i awoke after falling asleep at 4:15 or so to the sound of creaking breaks. a bus. a huge grey schoolbus. with a rexxy boyfriend i hadn't seen in a month!!!!!!! i've been awaiting the whole time for the arrival of gifts from enola at my digs to play their pittsburgh stop on tour. i was happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappy. so happy. i can't even express the happiness. after that i had ungodly and glorious amounts of sex and continued being happyhappyhappy until alas the time came to put clothes on and go to the show. which rocked. they rock. then i said peace out again as they scurried off.
in one week i am skipping town again
to the beach!
then to richmond!
for good times!
and deftones!
i think i ask off of work for than anyone else in the history of mankind.
people are always saying "don't you need money?"
well, obviously not, sherlock.
who does?
work for a week. have money. do the same thing everyday. NO
don't work for a week. see deftones. swim in ocean. have lots of sex and endless good for the soul times. YES
its all in ya head.
thats why god or someone made spaghetti and peanut butter to sustain life when need be. and sex for endless hours of free entertainment. and pittsburgh for cheap beers and cheap living. and brains.
and life is good. so good. far too good to waste working all the time.
and fuck....i may not go back after this. i'm still sitting on a free round trip bus ticket to anywhere greyhound may carry me...
though i am still loving the free baked goods and delicious fresh breads every day. so, who knows. and who needs to know, really?
wing it and swing it. .
thats how i do.
i have been babbling for awhile now and my tummy is rumbling so i'm going to head back to my own humble abode and enjoy the rest of the evening in sweet solitude.
my new set is still in mr if you havn't checked it out! i shot technicolor with cherry at hell city in columbus back in may. it was an aaabsolute blast! she rocks and this is definitely my favorite set that i've done so far so all the sweet comments from you guys have meant alot! it is the most true to rexxy-liciousness for sure. i be hopin.

on that note i'll be leaving.
i hope you all have wonderful evenings. what are you up to tonight?
k now. ciao and meow.
<3 Rexx

i initially typed "love muffins"...but then i was struck by an overwhelming craving for biscuits.
so how is everyone this evening?
it is friday night. woooo! or something.
i feel like cooking something delicious and smothered in cayenne pepper. making a pot of coffee. reading. relaxing. listening to tunes. maybe drink a beer and socialize but....probably not. most of my roommates are out of town. house to myself. = got my eyes set to hermit-ize

as of right now i'm down the street borrowing my best friends computer to look at boobs. her room is nice and sunny. i love it. i am listening to outbreak. i love that too. she has a kati roll sign on the wall. i really love that.
and speaking of kati roll...!!!!
i spent three weekends in a row in pittsburgh which is far too long for me to EVER be in one place. the travel bug had bitten long ago and the wound was now at an unbearable point of festering. so last weekend after work i could no longer stand it and ran to the megabus ten blocks away and skedaddled to new york city. i arrived around one a.m. where my super awesome friend zepp101 met me. we immediately proceeded to kati roll and devoured shami kabaab rolls. after said devouration we made haste to ace bar and drank delicious beers and had amazing and much needed conversation and awesome laughs and good times until the bars shut down at 4 a.m. zepp101 rules.
we then wandered the streets for a few hours, suffered some mild confusion getting the subway back to jersey, but sustained our lives with a stash of peanut butter cookies i had heisted from my bakery earlier that day. made friends with a very sweaty european boy. finally making it back to jersey around 7:30 a.m.
awoke later to pound down the he-man breakfast at the mark twain diner. i had this the first time i came to jersey and refuse to leave without it ever since. 2 pancakes. shitload of bacon. 2 sausage. 2 eggs. 2 french toast. plus a vanilla milkshake and a few cheesestix =

we then picked up some folks. pounded beers in the parking lot of citifield. mets game was fucking awesome although they lost but really i just love the smell of hot dogs and fries and watching tens of thousands of people getting drunk and crazy at sporting events while of course drinking beer myself.
and of course...dundundundun dundunnnnn.....CHARGE.

then back to jerz and there were beers and blunts and cool cats and i dug i dug i dug and in the morning i was on a bus again whisked back to the pittsburghian lands feeling fulfilled.
on wednesday at approximately 5:00 a.m. i awoke after falling asleep at 4:15 or so to the sound of creaking breaks. a bus. a huge grey schoolbus. with a rexxy boyfriend i hadn't seen in a month!!!!!!! i've been awaiting the whole time for the arrival of gifts from enola at my digs to play their pittsburgh stop on tour. i was happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappy. so happy. i can't even express the happiness. after that i had ungodly and glorious amounts of sex and continued being happyhappyhappy until alas the time came to put clothes on and go to the show. which rocked. they rock. then i said peace out again as they scurried off.
in one week i am skipping town again

to the beach!
then to richmond!
for good times!
and deftones!
i think i ask off of work for than anyone else in the history of mankind.
people are always saying "don't you need money?"
well, obviously not, sherlock.
who does?
work for a week. have money. do the same thing everyday. NO
don't work for a week. see deftones. swim in ocean. have lots of sex and endless good for the soul times. YES
its all in ya head.
thats why god or someone made spaghetti and peanut butter to sustain life when need be. and sex for endless hours of free entertainment. and pittsburgh for cheap beers and cheap living. and brains.
and life is good. so good. far too good to waste working all the time.
and fuck....i may not go back after this. i'm still sitting on a free round trip bus ticket to anywhere greyhound may carry me...

wing it and swing it. .

i have been babbling for awhile now and my tummy is rumbling so i'm going to head back to my own humble abode and enjoy the rest of the evening in sweet solitude.
my new set is still in mr if you havn't checked it out! i shot technicolor with cherry at hell city in columbus back in may. it was an aaabsolute blast! she rocks and this is definitely my favorite set that i've done so far so all the sweet comments from you guys have meant alot! it is the most true to rexxy-liciousness for sure. i be hopin.

on that note i'll be leaving.
i hope you all have wonderful evenings. what are you up to tonight?
k now. ciao and meow.

<3 Rexx
Thanks .. The sky was amazing that day, occasionally the sun kept popping through too. I love days like that.
just texted ya!