
I got my computer to have INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!! wootwootwoot biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin it's about fucking time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeehaw.
I shot my set in January. That's a long time ago. I've had the tattoo since February and the shaved head since like... August. I'm wearing a wig in my set.
yo peeps,

my grandma died and so i'm off to washington, d.c. for the funeral. I'm gonna be there from tuesday to sunday. My family will be leaving on friday, so I have to weekend to partay in d.c. if anyone is from there and wants to show me and my sister a good time that would be awesome...let me know what's goin on!

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sorry to hear about your grandma frown hope there's fun in d.c. smile
yo whazzup??

um yeah so I finally moved all my shit in and cleaned out my old place...the thing is that I haven't been able to figure out how to get the fucking wireless internet to work to my computer, but things have got screwed up alot more since that problem, because now my computer will not boot up at all anymore since I thought...
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so yep time for another UPDATE!! my future roommates want to move in to our future place next week, when i don't have to be out until the 31st! This means i have to pay half rent and start packing up right now frown i don't wanna move waahh now i am going to be broke as fuck until next payday and then brokeasfuck again because...
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I FEEL YOUR PAIN! My roomates just did the exact same thing to me, so now I'm forced to skip paying something else b/c they think they need to move....

Hope all gets better money-wise.
good luck confused

my party was a pretty huge success biggrin kindov ...it was a huge success in that a shitload of people came over and we raised a bunch of money for arise! and I had alot more fun at this party than the last one we threw last summer that got busted, this one lasted all night and no piggies showed up yeehaw!! one thing that...
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Update pleease.I think my boyfriend would be sad if Iwent to Minneapolis. You should go look at Skryche he looks akin to Napoleon Dynamite.

[Edited on May 04, 2005 9:28PM]
Skryche isn't my boyfriend tongue

[Edited on May 06, 2005 11:05AM]
yo it is time for an update! i don't know if anyone who reads this is from minneapolis, but if you are you should come to my partay this saturday, April 30th! I am having an Arise Benefit Kegger at my house...There will be live music in my backyard, dj's in the house, a mandatory dance partay and the edward 40-hand option (duct taping 40...
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I hope you take pics and post 'em ooo aaa
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
Having a bad day sweetie? Why don't you rant about it, that's what journals are for.
Tromeo and Julitte huh? Didn't that have an alarmingly huge penis in it? ooo aaa
just in case you guys haven't seen this, the subtitle reads : "Cheney Offspring Bursts From Bush's Chest":
got me uncontrollably laughing for so long...it's my wallpaper now hehe
oops i did it again...went out and bought cds with money i don't have...not sure what i'm gonna do to get by for the next 2 weeks cauz i am broke as hell now...but i got some great new music:
chicks on speed-press the spacebar
miss kitten and the hacker first album
adult.-anxiety always...

i couldn't resist...mmm how i love listening to new kickass music...
so i finally put my child labor exchange program brochure hoax back in the revolutionary propaganda folder...i printed a shit ton of them and have ran out already...got to print more soon and hand em out at the malls!
sounds like a cool brochure.
we just got done with a flier that says "the price of gas is always too high", each one has a single picture of either the war in Iraq, eco-destruction, or so on.
what is up my homies!!!!!!! damn i am kinda BORED! so yeah we are running out of food but i made this awesome vegan cheese sauce and put it on steamed brocali and cauliflower, it was damn good and easy to make! well it was from "how it all vegan" and was called "easy breezy cheese sauce" had a little bit of nutritional yeast, flour,...
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hey whazzup?

so i should probably update this bizznatch...my day was pretty average...got to start out canvassing with $86 so that was noice...won the production prize for getting the most letters for one day ($36) and got the most letter average for the week ($50)...i never would have made quota today without it cauz we went to Farmington and the people there just fucking sucked,...
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sounds like a good idea.
you could totally make that work. Especially if the stores you offered had some sort of appeal to them.

I like that idea a lot actually.

good luck with it man, and let us know how it all turns out!
I want to live there! love