I went to niagra falls the other day. It only temporarily made me stop thinking about things. I really think that there are certain situations in life that you just can't run from, nomatter how far in denyal you become from it. The falls were beautiful. Losing my money in a casino wasn't. The ghetto ass crack neighboorhood around the casino wasn't either.

I ate...
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Miisy and I watched Super Size Me a few weeks ago. I'll never eat at McDonalds again (Not like I was going to anyway. tongue )

I hat McDonalds it has always sucked

What in your life are you getting sad about, I thank your great and I dont like to see people I thank are great sad.
kiss kiss kiss kiss
I'm at my sisters house paying my bills online. I need to reorder checks too fun fun. I hate when I have a day off and I have nobody to spend it with. I feel really alone when that happens. I'm going to probably go to o'donalds tonight? I'm not sure it depends on my mood later. I hope I meet someone hot to have...
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Something really terrible has happened. I am devestated. I probably won't be online for awhile. It's a very personal thing. I need time to think about what I need to do. frown frown frown frown
Good luck with whatever it is.
I feel a lil better I took a nap. I worked for a stupid 3 hours today, just enough to get me out of bed. I went to the dairyqueen after work and got some barebequed beef sandwiches and ice cream because I hadn't had any for like 3 weeks or something. I am an ice-cream-a-holic.

I'm trying to wake up. I know it's silly...
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how are things? i haven't talked to you lately.
were you gonna go to prom with mario? i want to see you!
the job search seems to be never ending
prom is june 4th. you better get talking...and/or requesting off. biggrin
everything goes pretty well except for the bills with no job thing. i have another interview later though. lets hope.
sorry about the assholes thing. hope you find someone decent soon.
It's friday...yeah! I feel really lonely today. I came over my sisters house to not be lonely but I still feel that way...nomatter where I am. I hope the feeling goes away soon.

I'm really worried about things. I know that some things are just out of my hands, but I still feel and worry. I've been thinking about starting smoking again. I'm not sure...
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Don't start back up with the sin sticks, hon. tongue
Boys are stupid. Actually most folks are. But it'll be okay.
kiss skull
*comfort* things will get better. no matter even in the darkest of dark there will always be some light in you!

yeah that was cheesy... but its what i do smile

Smokeing is puke bleh, too expensive.

Take care, smile
Ok sundays are lame! I am back at my sister's house, waiting while my car gets fixed, and I have a big feeling that my front brakes are bad. argh!!! I tried to fucking say that before, but does anyone fucking listen to me when I talk no?!?! If my front brakes are bad I don't know what I'm gonna do?

I need my car...
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that's a real bad sunday... i hope you solve at least a few of your problems...!! frown

btw: it isn't really exciting to be a german in germany biggrin
but the cancer thing you said... maybe it's a good thing, but you know cancers: they get sad from one moment in another... that's not so funny sometime... surreal
So what did you do to your leg? Hope it's not to bad. The great outdoors are well great i love shooting photos in the woods. We got Wayne National Forest right behind are place. Well hope your doing well smile
I can put on my own damn pics! yippie! smile I do have a program, and I did figure it out!
nice pics! kiss
Why cant you get the rest of them up confused frown
I'm not feeling well today. I feel really exhausted, and my body is pretty sore. I feel like I was hit by a truck or something. I went out with a gorgeous guy last night, who to me looks like he could be a model or something, and for some reason...he thinks I'm attractive. smile We went to applebee's, then to see the ring two(it sucked),...
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The hot guy thanks youre hot because you are, you are one sexy lady.

Im glad you had fun last night.

Dont fell like your cheating because your not you are a great person and you deserve to be happy.

Whenever your ready to tell me about the stuff that you want to talk about but isnt the right time ill be glad to listen.

Ps I put a response to your comment on your last journal.
Well I went to therapy today and everything was all good. My therapist lady kept asking why I keep comming back because I seem so be so much better than I originally was when I first went in there. I feel alot better too...it's amazing what changing one little thing in your life can do for your entire existence.

I'm going to mill creek park...
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glad to hear your doing so well. 22 miles dam that's a lot of ground covered. I remember one summer i'd skate into town to hang out with my friends and that was 15 and it took me a good part of the day but your body feels so good after. Well I hope you get the job you want. If they don't call back in another day or two I'd call them back and just ask if they are still interviewing or if they have found someone all ready. Well good luck and keep your head up biggrin biggrin
Im glad you got out of the bad relationship.

Glad you had fun in the park, glad you had good company.

Im very glad all that stuff doesnt bother you as much as It us to.
I'm feeling pretty tired today. I was up until 1:30 and I got up at 7:30. I had to take my car to get fixed, and now I'm at my moms about to do my laundry.

I might go with my sister and my nephew to the lake to fly kites. I know it might sound lame to some people, but I think it will...
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Singing actually...... Damn.Should have thrown in a emotican. Im horrible at cheering people up! shocked
hang in there. just dont' rush into anything. sometimes after some stuff goes down like you've been through, it's best to be alone for awhile and reflect on life. just think about what you really want and where your life is headed. or maybe i'm just talking out my ass. i don't know. smile
Sometimes I just want to bang my head against a wall. I feel so frustrated at points. I hate how guys move on faster than girls. My feelings and emotions run very deep, and they cannot be easily turned off. 'sighs'

I saw stupid ex today with his mom, and poodle at the park. I skated right passed them and just said hi and kept...
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Yea, life can be very messed up sometimes.
I have been looking around town to meet a nice gal and that just doesnt seem possible here. All the good ones long ago have been with someone.