This weekend was crazy! Well saturday night was. I am not in a good mood today. I am not having a good time. I am constantly wishing I was somewhere else...I always have that feeling(well there is probably a few times I didn't feel that way) but I don't recall them now. I always feel that way lately. Like nomatter what I do, nothing can...
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I'm gonna have to quote "old school " of all things for this one. "love.... It's a mother fucker."

Some times it takes time to get over stuff and you are strong so just give it time it will happen.

dont jump out of your skin you have very nice skin and besides I hear it hurts like a mother fucker.

When I get my house you can run away to my house and stay as long as you want.
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I had well I almost hate to say it because I don't want to jynx it or nothing. I had a really good time last night. I went out and played pool with jason. We hung out until 3am and I had to work at 10am today.

I am trying really hard not to get my hopes up and stay grounded because I really like...
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Just asking, dont be mad. shocked
thank you for not being mad at me, that would make me sad. frown
Everything you think you know baby
Is wrong
And everything you think you had baby
Is gone

Certain things turn ugly when you think too hard
And nagging little thoughts change into things you can't turn off
Everything you think you know baby
Is wrong

It's all over but the crying
Fade to black I'm sick of trying
Took too much and now I'm done...
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Nothing agains you personaly, becaus eI do it myself sometimes too...but...when I see song lyrics in someone's journal, I completely don't even read them tongue

Hope you are doing well. You should come visit sometime! smile
Daylight fades, my love
Static hums but you can't hear it where you are
You're disconnected
This is my only song
I'll sing it soft to you tonight and hope you hear
Hear me and answer

If I give, will you receive?
Will you be true if I believe?
You're far away but you are never out of reach

Be real, my love
Be here...
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So why did you want non SG members to read that. wink
congrats on the new job! mom told me biggrin
I'm pretty, what do I deserve
I feel pretty, until I walk out the door
I wonder when pretty's gonna bleed
My monster has all the time he needs
So I came home to feel ugly again
Feels better alone, pretty ugly again
If you come back around I may not let you in
Cause I don't understand what this pretty is.
You're so pretty,...
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Did you write that if you did it is good?

You are pretty every day you just need to see that, if I could do anything to make you feel better I would.

I left another comment on you last journal I didnt know if you got it or not.
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Oh my god! eeek mad I just took a lil test thing on the internet under zodiac's to see who I would be most compatible with and it was like 50 questions long. When I was all done, I clicked on the final button and it said I am most compatible with cancers because of my personality. frown frown frown mad It figures! That is very weird to me.
Did you get my last comment?

Hay Im a cancer what have you got against me LOL
love kiss biggrin
That good your one of my favorite friends.

So did you get my last comment or not its not important just wondering?
Do you know what drives me crazy? People who you think care about you, and who you think you care about just disappearing. It is really hard! I should know all about it because for the first time ever in my life I did it to not one but three people, and now it is being done to me. What goes around certainly comes around....
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Im sorry about all the friends disappearing I know how you feel believe me I do. I hope you find some new cool friends to hang out with.

So what is the secret mission pleas tell me I nose LOL.
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Smoking is bad for you. frown

Hope ya had fun in Akron. smile
Think of Me

Think of me
think of me fondly, when
we've said goodbye
remember me
once in a while, please
promise me you'll try

When you find,
that once again you long
to take your heart back,
and be free
if you ever find a moment,
spare a thought for me

We never said
our love was evergreen
or as unchanging as the sea......
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So do you like nin version of hurt or Johnny cashs version?

Who is the first song buy?

I hope your doing all right.
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love
I've been sleeping pretty much all day. My stomache is killing me today. There were times last night when I could barely walk because I had wicked cramps down toward my tail bone? Its bothering me again today too. I have a massive headache. I'm going to go take more medicine and lay down.

I still feel like I am dreaming. I'm living in a...
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sorry to hear your feeling bad hope you feel better soon. As for school na i don't go i just work and skate. Athens is a Party town i don't live here anymore but this is were my heart is. I love the town. well hope you feel better again and take it easy.
sorry to hear your feeling bad hope you feel better soon. As for school na i don't go i just work and skate. Athens is a Party town i don't live here anymore but this is were my heart is. I love the town. well hope you feel better again and take it easy.
I feel like a great big loser. My friends are dropping like flies. I feel like I am dreaming, and all that is happening can't be happening.
try to find new friends confused
real life friends or sg friends?
you could always make sg friends into real life friends!
they're a better quality of people...for the most part tongue
i love you!