I'm feeling pretty tired today. I was up until 1:30 and I got up at 7:30. I had to take my car to get fixed, and now I'm at my moms about to do my laundry.
I might go with my sister and my nephew to the lake to fly kites. I know it might sound lame to some people, but I think it will be fun. I think I might go to the park for the forth day in a row so I can rollerblade. I have been going 5 miles a day for the past 2 days and on the first day I went 2 miles. I have to get in shape for summer.
I found out some potentially awesomely sweet news yesterday. Someone I know texted me, and said they can go with me to see Garbage, and if they do that will be awesome! It made me feel really happy to hear that. I'm such a pessimist though I don't want to get to excited or happy incase it doesn't happen, but I would love for it to happen. (I'll feel better to talk to them, before I can stop being pessimistic)
I had my guy friend come over last night, and we watched reality bites...well I went to kiss him as he was leaving my house, and he pulled away from me. I guess I shouldn't be trying to kiss someone I don't really want to be kissing anyways. Kissing someone when you are thinking of someone else isn't a good thing. But at the same time how are you supposed to stop thinking of someone else, if you never kiss other people, to start seeing potential of kissing that person on a more permanent basis. I really just don't think he is in to me...he said it was because he's been sick, but whatever.
I might go with my sister and my nephew to the lake to fly kites. I know it might sound lame to some people, but I think it will be fun. I think I might go to the park for the forth day in a row so I can rollerblade. I have been going 5 miles a day for the past 2 days and on the first day I went 2 miles. I have to get in shape for summer.
I found out some potentially awesomely sweet news yesterday. Someone I know texted me, and said they can go with me to see Garbage, and if they do that will be awesome! It made me feel really happy to hear that. I'm such a pessimist though I don't want to get to excited or happy incase it doesn't happen, but I would love for it to happen. (I'll feel better to talk to them, before I can stop being pessimistic)
I had my guy friend come over last night, and we watched reality bites...well I went to kiss him as he was leaving my house, and he pulled away from me. I guess I shouldn't be trying to kiss someone I don't really want to be kissing anyways. Kissing someone when you are thinking of someone else isn't a good thing. But at the same time how are you supposed to stop thinking of someone else, if you never kiss other people, to start seeing potential of kissing that person on a more permanent basis. I really just don't think he is in to me...he said it was because he's been sick, but whatever.

Singing actually...... Damn.Should have thrown in a emotican. Im horrible at cheering people up!

hang in there. just dont' rush into anything. sometimes after some stuff goes down like you've been through, it's best to be alone for awhile and reflect on life. just think about what you really want and where your life is headed. or maybe i'm just talking out my ass. i don't know.