I feel really angry, and sad, and upset today. We had another girl walk out at work. We're down to three employees including the manager to run a store.
I feel like I could go home right now and pace back and forth throughout the house all night. I know I'm not going to be able to sleep.
What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger right? I know there are so many things in life I just need to let go of. I can't help but to think about them. I am only human...if someone pricks my finger bleed. I don't feel right today.
I feel like I could go home right now and pace back and forth throughout the house all night. I know I'm not going to be able to sleep.
What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger right? I know there are so many things in life I just need to let go of. I can't help but to think about them. I am only human...if someone pricks my finger bleed. I don't feel right today.
If you ever leave were you are now(working) stayin with only 3 to 4 ppl running a biz would show how comittied someone is to their job what ever it may be. sorry for any spell mis happ i'm a little drunk>