Portland has the nicest homeless people anywhere. Even when you say "sorry" when they ask for spare change, they still say "thank you." Another thing I noticed was that very few people wear sunglasses. I think we Californians are addicted to our shades. I hate meeting people when they're wearing sunglasses. I like to see eyes. Oh, and people can actually sit around outside, in Pioneer Square for example, and NOT be talking on cell phones. I actually remember very little rudeness during my stay (apart from the Foxy Boxing announcer, that is).
I want to move to Portland and get a job at Kinko's. You wouldn't believe the number of pretty girls who go into Kinko's to use the color photocopiers and the Macintoshes...
I want to move to Portland and get a job at Kinko's. You wouldn't believe the number of pretty girls who go into Kinko's to use the color photocopiers and the Macintoshes...