I have a new pet peeve: waiters and waitresses who ask if I need change when they pick up the payment for my check. It's subtly manipulative, suggesting I ought leave all the change as a tip. But today I experienced a new low: the waiter asked me if I needed change and when I said yes, he asked, "how much?" Not only did I have to do math in my head on the fly, but if he's any good at math and has a good enough memory to remember my total, I also told him what his tip amount would be. Talk about impertinent! And oh how fancy I must be to accuse someone of impertinence!
See, that's why I grab the presenter from the table with a gracious "I'll be right back with your change . . ," and return every penny of it. That way, the customer can let me know they won't need any *when* they *wish,* rather than me be an obtrusive bitch.
But then again, I'm good at hospitality.