Fat people love Weird Al. The fat chick next to me clapped loudly through each song (sometimes over her head), bounced up and down in her chair, and screamed at seven second intervals. The hugely fat guy sitting behind me sang along with each song. I would have been annoyed with that had it not been the case that I could understand the words better...
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I'm sort of sorry I didn't make it there. It's raining here.
Well, it looks like paving the driveway isn't going to be quite as expensive as I had feared. I found some local guys who are going to do it for about $17,000. I was afraid it was going to be around $25k. They quoted it at 3" thick, but I think I'm going to have them go 4" since it is pretty steep and a...
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No, it's been Jenn, which upsets me even more.
About the master bathroom ... Dewey won't have any plans for awhile. He's dangerously close to failing his classes. He thinks getting the house done by Christmas is too ambitious. *shrug* I'll see what we can do though.
Do you have insurance coverage in case you have an earthquake? If so, I wouldn't worry about the work you're getting done. Plus, the money you put into it will help get you a better selling price when you decide to move on. If you don't have insurance, get it. And flood insurance.
About the master bathroom ... Dewey won't have any plans for awhile. He's dangerously close to failing his classes. He thinks getting the house done by Christmas is too ambitious. *shrug* I'll see what we can do though.
Do you have insurance coverage in case you have an earthquake? If so, I wouldn't worry about the work you're getting done. Plus, the money you put into it will help get you a better selling price when you decide to move on. If you don't have insurance, get it. And flood insurance.
paving? what about pavers? They're much better for the water runoff, last longer but are more $$.
I hope I can sleep tonight.
Okay, the Internet officially sucks. I can't find that old Yahoo! Shopping radio commercial with Tina, Gina, and Staci with an I. ("Oh my God, I haven't been to the mall in like two days!") Nor can I find that old Little Caesars Pizza TV commercial with the guy saying, "Ever hear of oragami?" And "It's a pterodactyl! Brraah! Brrrah!"
I don't know, I think I changed it about a month ago. I figured just using my initials for everything was getting kinda old.
I am not.
PS: Brraah_ima_Pterodactyl?
PS: Brraah_ima_Pterodactyl?
Missing from my library are books that elicit a feeling of comfort when I hold them in my hands.
maybe they're with your socks and the cd's from my library that should be in their cases.
SLO, I have more friends there. lol (basically more homes I can crash at haha)
And I hope you find your books!
And I hope you find your books!

Seems like I've been in a bad mood lately. Little things are pissing me off even more than usual. If I was updating regularly, I'd say that I'm going to go crawl under a rock until my crankiness subsides, but most likely it will be so long before I post again, this mood will have passed anyway.
I would like to just relax for a bit.
Relaxing is not allowed...
Unless it's done on a white sandy beach with a fruity tropical drink.
Unless it's done on a white sandy beach with a fruity tropical drink.
So, Mister Puffycat has hyperthyroidism. Once her hormone levels have been stabilized with medication, she will be retested and evaluated for radioactive iodine treatment. If she does get the treatment, she will have to stay at the vet's for a week or two because she will be radioactive and therefore dangerous to me. She likes to sit on my lap and my parents will be...
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I think I'd like to see a video of the melting nuts.
Then we could laugh about Chesnuts roasting over an open fire ... hahaha!
Then we could laugh about Chesnuts roasting over an open fire ... hahaha!
Your gay brother doesn't see kids in his future anyway?
Poor Radioactive Mister Puffycat.
Poor Radioactive Mister Puffycat.
I have a man crush on Ira Glass.
I sympathize.
Interesting video. Makes me want to get back into some sort of academic environment and increase my exposure to these sorts of ideas.
Interesting info from the California ABC website web site:
Q. 88. May a licensee sell beer in unlabeled cans or bottles?
A. No. Beer containers must be labeled and the labels must show the name and address of the manufacturer of...
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Interesting info from the California ABC website web site:
Q. 88. May a licensee sell beer in unlabeled cans or bottles?
A. No. Beer containers must be labeled and the labels must show the name and address of the manufacturer of...
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I'll watch the video later. Isn't the ABC fun?
The best part was just after sunset, seeing the orange light reflect off the blue ocean ripples.
Off to NYC! Yay!