Sending a package to my tribe's off-reserve members consisting of an introductory letter, an information sheet, instructions for an application form, and the aforementioned application form is a bit more time-consuming than I originally imagined...
Warning: Office Work Description Ahead
Warning: Office Work Description Ahead
Anyway, after taking a big financial hit from the Xmas Holiday Season, I've not been doing much beyond reading and mucking about on the cheap. Mostly books and writing, though there's a liberal amount of watching DVDs and what little good television there's left.
I should restart my foray into cooking again... This not buying many of my meals at a restaurant is getting unsettling -- I miss Pho!
To the Canadians Among Us: The second and final set of Federal Debates is on today at 5pm PST on CBC and most likely CTV as well...
heya theres a gig in Nanaimo tomorrow night you might wanna check out. linky for info