i posted this on my myspace blog and i'm posting here, don't like it? meet me under the flagpole after school and bring a bag to carry your teeth home in
I never go political, never do. I'm not too interested in others political views because it just doesn't matter to me personally. Before you jump all over me with political shit, shut up, I don't care about what you think. The only reason I'm writing this is cause I've been reading and hearing about democrats that are saying if Clinton doesn't get the nom, then they're voting for McCain. So let me get this straight, you're a democrat and you're like "damn those republicans!" but if Hilary can't run then "Fuck you negro!". Okay, I don't know if it's racial but it is confusing. Devil's advocate; you're not down with what Barrack's saying. Okay fine but you're down with what John's saying? Why not back him from day one? You keep on yelling about "change" but you're willing to vote for what's in office now out of what? Spite? I love to do things in spite but not make a guy president is a bit much. And speaking of which, while I was in Texas, I was witness to some oh so lovely racial slurs in the port o johns about what would happen if Obama wins. One of my faves was that he'll put a church's chicken on every street corner. Maybe if we all just write in "Ninja" then everyone would okay. Talk about president ninja, he'll take you head off. Play Ninja Gaiden and tell me I'm lying.

I never go political, never do. I'm not too interested in others political views because it just doesn't matter to me personally. Before you jump all over me with political shit, shut up, I don't care about what you think. The only reason I'm writing this is cause I've been reading and hearing about democrats that are saying if Clinton doesn't get the nom, then they're voting for McCain. So let me get this straight, you're a democrat and you're like "damn those republicans!" but if Hilary can't run then "Fuck you negro!". Okay, I don't know if it's racial but it is confusing. Devil's advocate; you're not down with what Barrack's saying. Okay fine but you're down with what John's saying? Why not back him from day one? You keep on yelling about "change" but you're willing to vote for what's in office now out of what? Spite? I love to do things in spite but not make a guy president is a bit much. And speaking of which, while I was in Texas, I was witness to some oh so lovely racial slurs in the port o johns about what would happen if Obama wins. One of my faves was that he'll put a church's chicken on every street corner. Maybe if we all just write in "Ninja" then everyone would okay. Talk about president ninja, he'll take you head off. Play Ninja Gaiden and tell me I'm lying.

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i'm stalking you too!