Yesterday I got cancelled on for a date to the art museum. But man, it was the most sincerely-apologetic-sounding cancellation I've ever had. And she suggested we get together later this weekend. So all in all, despite the fact that it didn't actually happen, it was one of the best dates I've had in years.
So instead, I went bowling as a member of my roommate's boyfriend's candlepin bowling team. Those of you elsewhere in New England may know it as duckpin. For those of you not in New England, it's like 10-pin bowling, but the pins are straight, not curvy, and they're lighter, and the ball is about the size of a softball. It was a league thing, and I can't tell you how seriously these Mainers take their candlepin bowling. There's a whole etiquite thing, and crazy special rules about who bowls when, and how many frames at a time... it was intense.
After that, we ate sushi.
Today I climbed the upper left side of this:
The route is called Upper Refuse and it's at Cathedral Ledge near Conway, NH. I burned the holy living fuck out of my forearms and my elbow tendons getting up the slabby start of the route.
Then I went to the Moat Mountain Brew Pub and drank stout and ate a mountain of BBQ Brisket. Yum.
Then I came home, slept happily on the floor a while, then woke up and watched four consecutive episodes of The Real World: Austin, which is more Real World than I've seen in my life. I naturally empathize with the antisocial music snob virgin who they all hate. And I can't stand the whiney skinny blonde girl.
Okay, so... that's all I've got. I should type something deep one of these days. But for now...
-Phased Out
So instead, I went bowling as a member of my roommate's boyfriend's candlepin bowling team. Those of you elsewhere in New England may know it as duckpin. For those of you not in New England, it's like 10-pin bowling, but the pins are straight, not curvy, and they're lighter, and the ball is about the size of a softball. It was a league thing, and I can't tell you how seriously these Mainers take their candlepin bowling. There's a whole etiquite thing, and crazy special rules about who bowls when, and how many frames at a time... it was intense.
After that, we ate sushi.
Today I climbed the upper left side of this:

The route is called Upper Refuse and it's at Cathedral Ledge near Conway, NH. I burned the holy living fuck out of my forearms and my elbow tendons getting up the slabby start of the route.
Then I went to the Moat Mountain Brew Pub and drank stout and ate a mountain of BBQ Brisket. Yum.
Then I came home, slept happily on the floor a while, then woke up and watched four consecutive episodes of The Real World: Austin, which is more Real World than I've seen in my life. I naturally empathize with the antisocial music snob virgin who they all hate. And I can't stand the whiney skinny blonde girl.
Okay, so... that's all I've got. I should type something deep one of these days. But for now...
-Phased Out
When/ where do you want to meet-up?