So I had kind of a lousy day today (honestly, it's been a rough week or so, for dull reasons I don't want to get into. But point is I came home feeling really crappy. And the phone rang, and I saw that it was Bill, and I thought he was going to give me a hard time about not going rock climbing with him lately. I said hello and he said, "Hey Sam, it's Bill... do you have a few minutes?" And what he wanted to tell me was that when we went hiking, he really didn't think my pack was very good. So he called all our friends from college and told them what I was up to and asked them to send money. They all took up a big collection to buy me a really nice brand-new intenal-frame backpack from REI for over $200.00 to replace the second-hand external frame pack my dad bought at Goodwill for $3. I have the best friends ever.
Plus I found a damn good record store today and bought some old Tim Buckley vinyl, to which I am listening at present.

Plus I found a damn good record store today and bought some old Tim Buckley vinyl, to which I am listening at present.
And not having a job is nice enough until you need money for all sorts of things, and then it gets to a point where you'd be willing to do anything.