Had dinner tonight with the two girls who used to live downstairs. It kinda pissed me off though. I did all the cooking because my roommates can't cook for shit. Anyways, I went all out. Baked bread, made chicken alfredo from scratch (it's one of my specialties) and asparagus, and made stuffed mushrooms cooked in white wine, where I made the stuffing from scratch... and they were almost an hour late, and didn't call. GRR. All my food got cold or dried out because they didn't call. They didn't even apologize for being late. Then, on top of that, one of the two girls brings her boyfriend, who she didn't tell us was coming, and we didn't invite, so there wasn't enough food. And then the other one monopolized the whole conversation telling us every detail of her boring-ass job, and how she's way smater than he boss. *yawn* Gee, I'm about to spend half a year in the woods, and my other roommate leaves for China in two weeks, but no, no, please, tell me more about renal day at the hospital.
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is that in yr nature or is it, like, a learned response?
where'd you learn to cook?