Holy crap I can't believe its been a week I still don't believe he's gone but seeing his obit in the paper kinda kicked that thought in the ass. I've had a few small break downs but morning is hard. I've tryed the ice cream and movie thing but it just hides the pain for a few moments. Growing up. You always think your father is invinsable but in 09 when I lost my papa the strongest man I knew and three months later I almost lost my dad to cancer that view gets screwed up and now my best friends dad the man who took us to the moives and the park in his beat up but amazing t bird is gone another man in my life I thought was better then super man. Cancer SUCKS! Sorry about the ranting. Anywho my devils need to pull a win out of there asses cause this is getting old fast. I have 25 days until disney wooho I need a vacation and my new set got edited last night ill be working with that tonight. I should go get some work done xoxoxoxoxo RennieCat

go Devils..... i am so sorry for you tragic loss