holy cow thing have been a little nuts between 4 and 5 hour over times days and almost braking my knee and wrist last week im just happy things have calmed down and i finally get to enjoy being home on my computer with you beautiful people
i got my hair done last friday after a full day of only eating breakfast not getting a break at work and being stuck and extra hour i finally got to relax and get my hair done a lovley shade of purple and red i get done start to leave got about two steps from the door got dizzy turned my ankle and slammed my knne and shin into the ground little chip or to in the bone on my knee but that was broken already so whats a few more sprained ankle and wrist and i bruised a few bone but im alive! The worst part of the entire thing is i put a hole in my favorit scrubs and got blood on my st patty"s day socks. MArty is off IR and i couldnt be happier and my man got a goal first goalie unassisted power play goal since 2002 and yes i knew that for some odd reason! But know Kovi and Poni are both out so i hope we can keep it up with out them we made it to 6th we just gotta keep working back up. What new and exciting my life tends to be dull so other then my grace and usless knowlege of hockey i got nothing. hope all is well and everyone had a kick ass St Patricks day 
xoxoxoxoxoxo Rennie Cat

xoxoxoxoxoxo Rennie Cat
My St.Patrick's was awesome. I woke up with a mysterious head wound.