What a busy week. Tuesday I had to get my BLS and the women who did the class was just nasty it didnt make the class any more enjoyable but hey now I can save your life lol. I finished packing for my vacation only 12 days until Disney, well Ive been packed for weeks but I finally finished. Yesterday was my day with my godchildren so we went to the park and had a picnic always lots of fun then I took my nephew to Phineas and Ferb live in NJ and I was totally 6 again im pretty sure I should have known all the songs. Today was the Walk for Housing for Habitat for Humanity and it poured the entire walk so im finally home, dry, warm, and relaxing watch Drag Race. Well 16 days until my set
ready for Disney

You're wearing an R-2 hat AND you quote Empire Records!!

Heheh you look sexy!