- on peppers_'s photo
- on New Jersey Devils Thread in ice hockey
hey yall I'm back for a while. Life has been rather busy with work , the pup and my love. I've been madly in love for the last yr and 5 months and I couldn't be happier. The pups year adoption day is coming up and we are gonna have a party for her. It's renn faire season again so if your in the shire...
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hey all guess who's back! Sorry I've been away so long things have been nuts! Let's see I've gotten a dog a beautiful mutt that was found roaming the streets who is now the love of my life and my cuddle bug she was a gift from the great pumpkin lol I got heron halloween. I've fallen headover tea kettle for my guy but shhhhh...
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And of course, the bedtime pics look great too

Have a rgeat week!

Hair looks great, ad n Ilove the panties and cmisole.
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Hope you have a great weekend and do well in the 5k.
Love the pics,