I think I have to get into a rhythm of some sort, maybe write about certain things during certain days of the week. . . So I think I'll make Friday the 10 things I think but never say outloud.
10. You can't watch ten minutes of T.V. lately without seeing a commercial for Jarhead. Is the box office in so much of a slump...
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10. You can't watch ten minutes of T.V. lately without seeing a commercial for Jarhead. Is the box office in so much of a slump...
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Having just been tagged for twenty questions I'll get down to the business. . . .
20. In high-school most of my friends thought I talked like Christian Slater, for some reason this bothered me and I spent a good deal of time correcting my voice. . . . Wisdom was not my friend in High School.
19. I spent almost ten years in the...
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20. In high-school most of my friends thought I talked like Christian Slater, for some reason this bothered me and I spent a good deal of time correcting my voice. . . . Wisdom was not my friend in High School.
19. I spent almost ten years in the...
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So, what do you think of my friend Richard?

Your list is fascinating!
How many novels can one person think he's started if he never actually finishes any?????? I've tried to find a way to unblock my semi-self imposed writers block, tried changing my diet, changing the way that I smile, changing the way that I think but nothing seems to fix the fact that my head is planted soundly up my own ass. . . You know...
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I can relate I'm working on yet another novel that I've come to a complete halt on. Hopefully I'll get a little time to actually work on it a little this weekend. Just keep trying -- I still am

How many novels can one person think he's started if he never actually finishes any??????
that sounds like the saying "how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"
that sounds like the saying "how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"
I woke up today with a raging sore throat and the grim reminder that I've been sick for over a month. . . Grrrr.... Nothing seems to work right, back sore, voice gravely, nose stopped up. . . calgon take me away.... I tried to look back over my life to think of a time that I've been this ill and I have to go...
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Hey dude!
Sorry you've been sick for so long, but yeah if it means you won't be sick again till 2025....
I've been feeling some stuff to, but i think i'll be ok.
Sorry you've been sick for so long, but yeah if it means you won't be sick again till 2025....
I've been feeling some stuff to, but i think i'll be ok.
my coughing sounds like a fog horn. let the winter season begin.
grrr..... head-hurts. . . . throat sore. . . . bad memories of high school in pomfret maryland. . . it's a small world afterall played in the background all night long. . .
Not much for my foray back into writing a journal entry but hey what do you want? ? ? You can't just start sprinting again. . .gotta crawl first and after...
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Not much for my foray back into writing a journal entry but hey what do you want? ? ? You can't just start sprinting again. . .gotta crawl first and after...
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It was really great meeting you as well. I Think you are so totally hot. Are you single?

It was nice to meet you and it did feel like a small world. scary.

As always the event was a hell of a lot of fun, we have our host to thank for that. . . gotta love saintinsomniac and thanks for putting on yet another wild ride. Met some great people and future SG faithfulls and got a chance to catch up with others that I'd missed over the past few months. Next time I'll try to get...
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Happy birthday! I hope it's a good one.
hey man, when r we gonna play Madden football!?
It's been over a month since my last update and I have to say thank you to all of those that yelled at silvereve asking if she'd given me the ol' Sweeny Todd. I guess I owe a few a recap or two.
I've learned a few valuable lessons. . . make 100% certain that you have a stress free month ahead of you before...
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I've learned a few valuable lessons. . . make 100% certain that you have a stress free month ahead of you before...
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Job-hunting is the one thing, I think, between me and a new job.... well, plus having no plans at all... but yeah, I hate the job-hunt process.
I'd loved your electric shock marks....

Well it's day two of the let's see if I can quit smoking without killing anyone project. I have to admit that the prospect looks slim. . . trying to conquer a smoking addiction coupled with an addiction to coffee and chocolate just seems like a steep hill to climb. I wanted to believe that I was doing it for my wife, and doing it...
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Get some toothpicks and keep one in your mouth to sub the cigs. Plus the added bonus of clean teeth!

Hey bud, hope the quitting is going well. Info on the next party is posted.
I'm having a Jerry McGuire moment, I've somehow managed to go to bed three times tonight only to find myself getting back out of it because my brain won't shut the hell up for ten minutes. The main problem is that I'm not really thinking about anything, there isn't a single thread of conscious thought, or purpose going on . . . just white noise....
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I here you and silvereve will be coming tonight! Would it be possible for you to bring that phone you had mentioned? That would be awesome!
ive had many many white noise nights.... they suck because there is nothing real to resolve!
I've started to write again. . . I'm not sure how long it's going to stay flowing but hey I'll take what I can get. I'll have to take the two writing ideas that people where kind enough to give and turn them into something, or maybe I'll combine them. Grrr.... it's saturday and I've not a thing to do, guess I'll write the night...
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Well, I actually gave 3 ideas... I mean, it'd be a real stretch to put them all into one story!!

rah rah rah...
isnt that something you are suppose to say with pom poms?
isnt that something you are suppose to say with pom poms?
I had a dream that turned into reality. . . no I'm not going to gush romantic . . . I was sitting on a hilltop watching the grass blow in the wind, a few flowers where slowly tilting towards the sun. I blinked, not even a second went by and there where dozens of cars crashing into on another in the center of the...
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1. a British gangster has to collect a gambling debt from an old guy... but it's not that simple, because the debtor 1) has an (almost?) preternatural ability to talk people out of things, plus 2) he has a secret over the gangster, which is...... ?
2. Two astronauts are in a space station, and they have a personal conflict which is getting in the way of even basic courtesies and work production. They decide to sit down (or hover down) and have a talk about it.
3. A US President from Texas (but really a Kennebunkport Yale pansy) suddenly starts to regret all of the very stupid, destructive decisions he's made. We are privy to his inner mental battle in the story.
2. Two astronauts are in a space station, and they have a personal conflict which is getting in the way of even basic courtesies and work production. They decide to sit down (or hover down) and have a talk about it.
3. A US President from Texas (but really a Kennebunkport Yale pansy) suddenly starts to regret all of the very stupid, destructive decisions he's made. We are privy to his inner mental battle in the story.
ok so Robert Smith is getting down and dirty with a midget when walks in Siouxshee.

One thought occured to me at half past three. . . amazing how sometimes Robert Smith can come up with the perfect line to sum up ones life? I sat in front of the blinking of my computer late last night trying to open up what I was hoping would be a flood gate of thought, only to find less than a trickle of images...
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You're absolutely correct.
What's the point in writing to sound clever or interesting if you're not investing anything in it?
What's the point in writing to sound clever or interesting if you're not investing anything in it?
I've got a mental image for you..... Robert Smith, midget and Kate Bush makes three.....

The prices for DC metro area are insane. So you're not working for Sirius anymore?
And, yes, I do have a question: Why the fuck did I just spend all that money on a prescription?!?