My doggie is very cute. a little husky mix. Everyone goes ooh ahh when we go out!
What they don't know is that she drinks from the toilet. When there's pee in it. The vet says this isn't unusual or bad. But still... yuck.
I think puppy is really the reincarnation of some prom queen. One of those pretty ones that no one realizes is really pervvy and a total alcoholic. She probably died with her face down in some toilet. That's why my doggie drinks pee.
What they don't know is that she drinks from the toilet. When there's pee in it. The vet says this isn't unusual or bad. But still... yuck.
I think puppy is really the reincarnation of some prom queen. One of those pretty ones that no one realizes is really pervvy and a total alcoholic. She probably died with her face down in some toilet. That's why my doggie drinks pee.

If it makes you feel any better, my dog eats cat poop out of the litter box.