I am miserable.
I have put on a stone in about a month. I am now obese.
My skin has flared up. Again.
I hate my job.
I applied for a new job, had interview 2 weeks ago - heard nothing.
I will never be an SG - I took my last set down. The one shot with Farrow may be submitted one day.
I... Read More
I Love Kopperberg. I may have spelt that wrong, but whatever. I love it. It is gorgeous.
I hate Tesco. They refused to serve me and the man alcohol today. He had ID, I don't actually have any really. Certainly none I carry with me! And despite the fact I look old, they refused to serve me! Boy was I angry...still, went elsewhere, and I... Read More
Tesco are a right bunch of wankers where it come to...actually, most things. Have to try not to take it seriously. And it is sad that SG isn't the same as it use to be. Too many interesting and beautiful people are leaving. It makes me sad
Hopeful status is gone. Once La Piece Lilas' 90 days are up, its gone. So take a look while you can!
I am moving on from SG. I have met some truely awesome people through it, but its become far too commercial. They are having a reality show to choose the next SG, despite having tons of stunning hopefuls already desperate to go pink! What... Read More
Glad you are staying around although I am pissed off that you haven't gone pink. 5 years ago Zia Mccabe from the Dandy Warhols did a set whilst pregnant. She is known for not adhering to the wafer thin look. SG should be all encompassing and representing a true alternative. I will miss your pics. x
Its been an odd week...Had a fabulous meal but fell out with a friend, had a set published on Zivity and got a new SLR camera!!
Firstly, I went to 'Tokyo Joe's', a Japanese restaurant for my friend Jackie's 40th. The food was divine!! I had a Chicken Katsu Bento box - and it was possibly one of the best meals I have ever had.... Read More