UPDATE: i finally got my prescription put into my vintage frames!!!
*note: please ignore the crazy medusa hair.
well, it's official. i belong in special ed. with the severly autistic boy and the girl with an ear growing out of her forehead. you wanna know why? i would be here all day if i were to list the answers to that. but the most recent confirmation is the fact that my biology exam wasn't even ON monday. my dumb ass stayed up till 3am then woke up at 7am, skipped my first class, only to walk into biology at 2pm to find out the exam is on friday. i guess i would have known that though, if i'd been to the last class...needless to say, it did come as a relief...
not much going on otherwise...i've been troubled lately by the schizophrenic nature of Texas weather...today it's nasty and grey. however on monday it was gorgeous so i told mulhollanddrive to meet me at the capitol. i took some pictures, see:
this tree grows sideways!
good times.
last night me and my guy ate at our usual spot then took a walk around the neighborhood and fantasized about owning a house, while also searching for the ever elusive pig that he claims lives in a house nearby. it's the little things, people don't ever forget that.
today i made reservations for the hotel we're gonna stay in on our trip. it's a funky little joint out in west texas. i can't wait to escape to the desert with the man i love to celebrate our birthdays...but more on that later. i've gotta get through this week first.
*note: please ignore the crazy medusa hair.

well, it's official. i belong in special ed. with the severly autistic boy and the girl with an ear growing out of her forehead. you wanna know why? i would be here all day if i were to list the answers to that. but the most recent confirmation is the fact that my biology exam wasn't even ON monday. my dumb ass stayed up till 3am then woke up at 7am, skipped my first class, only to walk into biology at 2pm to find out the exam is on friday. i guess i would have known that though, if i'd been to the last class...needless to say, it did come as a relief...
not much going on otherwise...i've been troubled lately by the schizophrenic nature of Texas weather...today it's nasty and grey. however on monday it was gorgeous so i told mulhollanddrive to meet me at the capitol. i took some pictures, see:

this tree grows sideways!

good times.
last night me and my guy ate at our usual spot then took a walk around the neighborhood and fantasized about owning a house, while also searching for the ever elusive pig that he claims lives in a house nearby. it's the little things, people don't ever forget that.
today i made reservations for the hotel we're gonna stay in on our trip. it's a funky little joint out in west texas. i can't wait to escape to the desert with the man i love to celebrate our birthdays...but more on that later. i've gotta get through this week first.

Have fun on your B-day party with the man WINK WINK