********Dr. Hunter S. Thompson is dead. He shot himself today. Take a moment to appreciate the bizarre genius that unleashed upon the children of sunny-faced, mundane america, a bounty of fantastical drug-laden shenanigans, mind-boggeling ideologies on the (ahem) American Dream, and profound rantings on topics ranging from sports, violence, sex, drugs, and politics. in the words of the mastermind behind Gonzo Journalism: "It just never got weird enough for me"
A-Fucking-Men, dear sir, wherever your delightfully damned soul may be********
well, a fantabulous weekend is coming to a close and i have a biology exam tomorrow
....oh well
so friday night was grand -flametrick subs at emo's.
jamie was wonderfully drunk and stoned -she makes THE best faces
saturday was good, too. me,mulhollanddrive, and jamie went to a party at my friend alex's house. his roommate's band played in the kitchen along with a couple other local bands...two kegs, lots of people, xmas lights, good music...and fun in the bathroom!
singer from the apeshits:
the nervous exits:
fun in the bathroom:
punk rock sherry was kind enough to share her whiskey with us
that about sums it up. hope all of my beloved SG friends had a good weekend and goodluck with the working week!
p.s. here's a picture of the valentine that i made for mi amor mulhollanddrive:

A-Fucking-Men, dear sir, wherever your delightfully damned soul may be********
well, a fantabulous weekend is coming to a close and i have a biology exam tomorrow

so friday night was grand -flametrick subs at emo's.

jamie was wonderfully drunk and stoned -she makes THE best faces
saturday was good, too. me,mulhollanddrive, and jamie went to a party at my friend alex's house. his roommate's band played in the kitchen along with a couple other local bands...two kegs, lots of people, xmas lights, good music...and fun in the bathroom!
singer from the apeshits:

the nervous exits:

fun in the bathroom:

punk rock sherry was kind enough to share her whiskey with us

that about sums it up. hope all of my beloved SG friends had a good weekend and goodluck with the working week!

p.s. here's a picture of the valentine that i made for mi amor mulhollanddrive:

Runway Challenge