oh yay, ms paint.

adam and me
oh boy am i so in love with my man.
and to think it was last thanksgiving that i first told him i was leaving because i had had enough of his meanness and his pushing me away. and then, just after new years, i did leave. and we had six months apart to figure our shit out and realize how much we love each other.
i remember this past summer, in the abandoned warehouse that i was squatting in, in the village of chania, on the island of crete, i woke up one pre-dawn morning -cause you don't really sleep through the night when yer trampen- i awoke with one mission so clear; "i am going back to albuquerque to marry adam tillie". and so i dug out the sharpie from my little knapsack, and by the light of a a half full moon reflected by the sea from out my broken out window frame, i wrote those words on the crumbling walls. and they are there now, good as if they were written in stone. and maybe one day i will go back with adam and i will show him the words and be able to convey just a little how i ached and longed to be back in his bed, under the roof of our little cave in albuquerque. back right where i am now.
i've never known truer intimicacy than in this house where we share everything.

adam and me
oh boy am i so in love with my man.
and to think it was last thanksgiving that i first told him i was leaving because i had had enough of his meanness and his pushing me away. and then, just after new years, i did leave. and we had six months apart to figure our shit out and realize how much we love each other.
i remember this past summer, in the abandoned warehouse that i was squatting in, in the village of chania, on the island of crete, i woke up one pre-dawn morning -cause you don't really sleep through the night when yer trampen- i awoke with one mission so clear; "i am going back to albuquerque to marry adam tillie". and so i dug out the sharpie from my little knapsack, and by the light of a a half full moon reflected by the sea from out my broken out window frame, i wrote those words on the crumbling walls. and they are there now, good as if they were written in stone. and maybe one day i will go back with adam and i will show him the words and be able to convey just a little how i ached and longed to be back in his bed, under the roof of our little cave in albuquerque. back right where i am now.
i've never known truer intimicacy than in this house where we share everything.