and shop at your local farmer's market!
"You don't have to go hungry anymore; we can fill you with fats and carbs more cheaply than ever. You don't have to chase your food; we can bring it to you. You don't have to cook it; we can deliver it ready-to-eat. You don't have to eat it before it spoils; we can pump it full of preservatives so it lasts forever. You don't even have to stop when you're full. We've got so much food to sell, we want you to keep eating."
"The rich have Whole Foods, gyms, and personal trainers. The poor have 7-Eleven, Popeye's, and streets unsafe for walking. When money's tight, you feed your kids at Wendy's and stock up on macaroni and cheese. At a lunch buffet, you do what your ancestors did: store all the fat you can."
"The modern food industry can sell you sweetness without fruit, salt without protein, creaminess without milk. We can fatten you and starve you at the same time."
more from this editorial
i am thankful everyday that i was raised with healthy eating habits. even though we didn't have money my parents never resorted to taking us to mcdonald's. this often meant weird-ass dinners of turkey sausage and butterless steamed spinach or peanut butter toast (whole grain, of course) and baby carrots. when you eat high-nutrient essentials, you can eat alot less to sustain. i remeber getting made fun of in elementary school because i had sprouts and green tea in my lunch box instead of brown chemical pudding or liquid flavored poison in a can.
they are poisoning us.
this morning i googled "ann coulter the cunt"
101,000 results.
and shop at your local farmer's market!
"You don't have to go hungry anymore; we can fill you with fats and carbs more cheaply than ever. You don't have to chase your food; we can bring it to you. You don't have to cook it; we can deliver it ready-to-eat. You don't have to eat it before it spoils; we can pump it full of preservatives so it lasts forever. You don't even have to stop when you're full. We've got so much food to sell, we want you to keep eating."
"The rich have Whole Foods, gyms, and personal trainers. The poor have 7-Eleven, Popeye's, and streets unsafe for walking. When money's tight, you feed your kids at Wendy's and stock up on macaroni and cheese. At a lunch buffet, you do what your ancestors did: store all the fat you can."
"The modern food industry can sell you sweetness without fruit, salt without protein, creaminess without milk. We can fatten you and starve you at the same time."
more from this editorial
i am thankful everyday that i was raised with healthy eating habits. even though we didn't have money my parents never resorted to taking us to mcdonald's. this often meant weird-ass dinners of turkey sausage and butterless steamed spinach or peanut butter toast (whole grain, of course) and baby carrots. when you eat high-nutrient essentials, you can eat alot less to sustain. i remeber getting made fun of in elementary school because i had sprouts and green tea in my lunch box instead of brown chemical pudding or liquid flavored poison in a can.
they are poisoning us.
this morning i googled "ann coulter the cunt"
101,000 results.

I used to curse them and fervently wish that I could, just once, have a wagon wheel in my lunch box. Now I'm so very thankful.
My old best friend who had lunches that I would've killed for and got to have Kraft Dinner and KFC all the time grew up to have major health problems due to his diet of crap. He's better now but you can certainly tell which of us had the real luxury growing up: parents that knew what they were doing with food.