airight, bitches...i'm druuuuuuuuuunk as fuuuiuuck. i worked 13 hours toaday. hehe toads.... squeal!!!!!!!!!!!!! tonight i worked at lincoln street wine markettt, sellling vino and stuuuufufufufufffu. i drank one glass of port, a couple glasses of santa maria merlot from chiileee! and finished it all off with two****+++ glasses of mariebella brute!!!! yiiiiiiiiipeeeeee. the good news is i made a friendd. her name is aww shit whaz her name/.... JO LEE! HOW THE FUCK COULD I FERGET A NAME LIKE jo lee$?> ? SHE is so rad. so i finally have a friend in good ole fritztown... we are gonna get drunk a her place manana. as we were closing down tonight we were singing att the tops of our lungs to the VILOENT FEMMMESEES. I THINK i ';m in love/, i wish i wasn't ialone right now. i could masterbeate buuut i did that ealrier and ughhhhh, i need contact. after sleeping with the same person for a year it's soooooo hard ot be alonre/. i need atrtention. goodnight . i love SG and all my lovely amigos/as!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Seems with the plagiarism accusations, and name-calling of 9/11 widows, Coulter's finally marginalized herself. I think everyone but the wingiest of wing-nuts now see her for what she is.
And thanks, she certainly is, and I certainly am.
P.S. Go see Sasquatch & the Sick-a-billys on 7/29 @ Headhunters. You won't regret it, I promise!