as it was the fourth yesterday i did my obligatory beer drinking and shots of maker's mark and twirled some sparklers till 4am out at a friend's ranch then had to wake up at 6:45 and get ready to take care of 7 two year olds at the preschool i work at wih my mom on wednesday mornings. luckily only 4 of the little guys showed up.
and one of the little boys has a foot fetish. i swear to fucking god. it starts during "circle time" when we all sit in a circle and read a book. he is staring at my mom's feet the whole time. it gets worse at nap time. he insists on sleeping face down on her feet, while fondling them at the same time (she's barefoot) as she's sitting in a rocking chair. we are both trying our hardest not to burst out laughing. i've never seen a sight so cute and disturbing at the same time. but it's great because it' s a little example of the fact that we are born with our odd preferences and fetishes, and that they are completely natural.
so what turns you on, other than the conventional things like tits & ass? i for one have a strange affixiation with men's noses. i judge a man's sex appeal by the appearance of his nose. and the bigger and more distinguished the better -i.e. adrian brody. i once had a guy tell me he liked my "rib cage". at first i was a little taken aback. but then i thought it was kinda sweet. it was so much more original than "gee, your rack is really swell."
so are you a rib cage man, a nose girl, or do you have a foot fetish to rival tarantino's?

this man is a hero and a patriot:read why:

He told me he thinks too much into things and not to worry about me feeling bad about upsetting him. I told him how I was upset about making a friend angry with me and it doesn't make me feel good when I do that. He knows how much of an emotional person I am when it comes to friends and knows I care for him. We went on a date 2 weeks ago and had alot of fun. We cuddle and I spend the night when we hang out. Good guy and very sweet.
School, work, and just split from a guy 3 weeks ago. Didn't even last a month and first actual boyfriend if you could call it that. He would rarely call me, I had to call him.
Paid for me once to eat somewhere and drove to my house a few times where as I drove to his house more then 5 times. He lives an hour from me. heh Yeah, a shite guy to say the least. Broke up by default also, just stopped talking to one another.
So thats what has been up with me.
Hope you are well at home and glad to hear Trixie is with you. Sucks he will miss her loads though, right?
You know I have your NIN stub and sunglasses in my posession still.
Those were good times even though I got a bit peeved with the peoples behavior. I swear they were so rude! I was at Slayer two weeks ago and no one was as bad as NIN. And I was in the Pit!