Well now, it has been a while, hasn't it?
All is well, many little things have changed, but stepping back it never seems to be of much consequence. I have had the pleasure of working on some truly amazing stuff at work, which I can't say much about other than to say it's the most exciting - and promising - therapy I've ever seen (and now, I'm not pulling a Curiosity rover team fakeout here.)
I'll be keeping myself in the Bay Area this holiday season, to a) spend time with the SOs and relatives, and b) because I will be spending a significant chunk of change while in London (by way of New Orleans and Philly) early next year.
I really have little else to report. Writing some, hiking some (well, until this bloody torrent arrived), shooting some, and so on. Currently sitting in front of the fire, sipping scotch and listening to appropriately downbeat music for a rain-soaked evening.
All is well, many little things have changed, but stepping back it never seems to be of much consequence. I have had the pleasure of working on some truly amazing stuff at work, which I can't say much about other than to say it's the most exciting - and promising - therapy I've ever seen (and now, I'm not pulling a Curiosity rover team fakeout here.)
I'll be keeping myself in the Bay Area this holiday season, to a) spend time with the SOs and relatives, and b) because I will be spending a significant chunk of change while in London (by way of New Orleans and Philly) early next year.
I really have little else to report. Writing some, hiking some (well, until this bloody torrent arrived), shooting some, and so on. Currently sitting in front of the fire, sipping scotch and listening to appropriately downbeat music for a rain-soaked evening.

Stranger danger! 

Either way I will awake on Monday to find that I am a black 30yo, so that will be nice.