Didn't want to post this until we were sure, but it looks like my mother will need surgery to repair or replace her mitral valve. As these things go, this is not as grave as say, a triple bypass, but yes, it's still heart surgery.
Spoke with my siblings, and it looks like I will be heading east to be there for the recuperation process. Mom insists there is no point in coming earlier, to "sit in a waiting room the whole time." True enough, but its times like this when the geographical distance hits home.
Spoke with my siblings, and it looks like I will be heading east to be there for the recuperation process. Mom insists there is no point in coming earlier, to "sit in a waiting room the whole time." True enough, but its times like this when the geographical distance hits home.

I wish you good luck on both accounts. Her health and your travel. It does seem like a different world at times. When you're so far away from family.

travel safely!