So to add to my Really Very Eventful December, I'm getting a promotion. Yes, it's quite a step up in base pay, and yes, I'm happy (if a little terrified.) But also, this is one of those "You are in command now, Admiral Piett" promotions, which makes me a bit uneasy. The previous occupant of the position wasn't on board with the company's office move, and wanted to work from home, so the execs made an example of her. First question they asked: can you be in the office every day? Yeah, I can do that. Hey, the longer I ride BART, the more time I have to read; at least, that's what I'm telling myself. Anyway, I sound like I'm bitching about a good thing (for me), and I am, but I'm actually pleased.
So does this mean I must become a more serious adult and stop indulging in my favorite things? Hell no. If you detect a change, smack me in the head. So I can sue you!
So does this mean I must become a more serious adult and stop indulging in my favorite things? Hell no. If you detect a change, smack me in the head. So I can sue you!

"[Managers]" are different from other people.