Although I don't think there is a snowball's chance in hell that he will run, I really sympathize with the "Draft Al Gore" campaign. Their hero has been vindicated, and that only makes the electoral travesty in 2000 sting all the more. I admit, I've often entertained the thought that the election in Florida may have been one of those "points of convergence" you are always reading about in time travel stories, where you elect the wrong guy and things go horribly, horribly wrong (yes, folks, we are living in the mirror universe.)
Still, having said all that, I have to say their new poster looks like the cover of an L. Ron Hubbard novel:

Still, having said all that, I have to say their new poster looks like the cover of an L. Ron Hubbard novel:

oh my god i am so jealous. i wants me a kitten