Thanks for the advice and commentary, all.
The long and short of it is, there isn't a realistic chance of us getting together in any romantic sense, both of our lives are pretty complex right now. My head accepts that, the rest of me just has to catch up. Plus which, the project is a damn good idea, and neither of us want it to go to waste (I know I'm being circumspect about it, I'll say more when the time comes). So we're going to take the risk and give it a try. Here's hoping.
The long and short of it is, there isn't a realistic chance of us getting together in any romantic sense, both of our lives are pretty complex right now. My head accepts that, the rest of me just has to catch up. Plus which, the project is a damn good idea, and neither of us want it to go to waste (I know I'm being circumspect about it, I'll say more when the time comes). So we're going to take the risk and give it a try. Here's hoping.
Good LUCK!! With all of it!!! 

haha...that reminds me. I had this friend that used to always say "good hunting" before an exam. but I used to fuck it up and say "happy hunting". It used to piss him off for some reason, every time I said it wrong. So then I just stopped trying to say it the "right" way to fuck with him.