A very sweet person gave me 3 months of SG for Christmas.

Thank you fairy Suicide Mother.

Glad to have you back smile
I haven't been on SG for a little bit now, I don't know if I mentioned that I did a self realisation course and I self realized! In a month since I did it I have a girlfriend. I have given Free Hugs to strangers and inspired others to give Free Hugs to strangers. And I've connected with my friends and family more deeply that...
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Klinkt niet verkeerd smile
Waar heb je dat gedaan?
I went on a self realisation retreat last weekend, to get in touch with my inner self, I created a lot of value for myself and am still living on the high off the weekend.

And I made lots of new friends.
I've been neglecting SG recently, and all my little SG friends. Sorry. I've been really busy with stuff. I have Twitter which update 100 times a day. With Geo Location attached.


I've got a girl on the phone, trapped in the middle of nowhere at a weekend retreat/course who is wondering what the meaning of life is and whether anything matters at all. I...
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So it turns out that I have real-life friend on SG, Franpire. I went with her to hold her hand on one of here piercings, tongue if I remember correctly, although I can't be sure. She's going to become part owner of a club I used to frequent.

Hey friend! smile
Fuck Daniel, is that U????
Welcome to SG man!
Haha, yeah, maar ze hebben ooit 1 set van mij gekocht en sinds dien 4 afgewezen. Fuck'm het forum intereseerd mij het meest en *kuch* de prestige van SG zijn verlies ik nooit, haha wink

Yeah Boom, kicked ass. Partied with mr Hofman for the first time, finally. Was echt te gek. Ik heb jaren gewacht, was gewoon een beetje bang maar het was super. En ja, mede eigenaresse van de Korsakoff nu. Spannend. Sjit gotta run now, catch up later. kiss
I have a nice shiny new job working for a games company as the go-to-guy across the company matrix. I'm like Neo, know lots about computers and control the matrix.
Went for my first day of school today. *sigh* All my lessons had been cancelled. Begin as you mean to go on, eh? So tomorrow should be my real first day. I'm all excited. There is only one other boy in my class, then again I'm not really there to make friends.

Think I might have found a cool job too, should know by Wednesday...
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I was prompted to write this after being send a message by a girl on a different site:

"I understand why you're jaded with American Psycho and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in your favourites list. I loved the first. Whether seen as an fictional narrative of a Patrick's sick mind, as inferred at the end of the book, or a true representation...
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I went to see Gossip yesterday. I expected to have a good time, but I didn't expect that it would be that much fun. Ginger_E got a little stuck in Utrecht station, the last train in the direction of Den Haag - where she lives - wasn't running for part of the route, so we sat with our packet of Go Fish and waited for...
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I didn't stumble....I had some trouble getting my boots on tongue
But I had a lot of fun too biggrin Hope you slept a lot longer after I left.
Just came back, will post pictures here later.

Sleep tight.