I love hearing the police copters circling my neighborhood at night, I really do. It's an oddly peaceful sound. Especially when you are curled up in bed and they are a few blocks away. The sound getting louder and then softer as they get closer and then farther away over and over again, the noise rising and falling like waves crashing in the distance.
It reminds me of when I was little and I would hear trains going by many miles away. You could hear them sounding their horns as they would approach each crossing, that echoing, plantiff wail that's like nothing else in the world.
It reminds me of when I was little and I would hear trains going by many miles away. You could hear them sounding their horns as they would approach each crossing, that echoing, plantiff wail that's like nothing else in the world.

before i moved out I had this idea in my head of what it would be like to have my own place in the city. it was like waking up on a rainy day and hearing the cars zip through the water. the place was bare and the sheets were dirty and strung about and there was one window in the room.
then one day it was deja-vu and i realized i was happy. in my shabby place on a rainy day.
then i shot the moody set.