I am truly flattered at the enormous outpouring of reaction that my writing has engendered both here and on the stripper thread. It is unexpected as Im used to dwindling away in relative obscurity
Am I a misogynist?
At first it may seem natural to classify myself as a textbook misogynist. But in reality I dont hate all women, just the vast majority of them....
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Am I a misogynist?
At first it may seem natural to classify myself as a textbook misogynist. But in reality I dont hate all women, just the vast majority of them....
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Why I like strippers
Hey honey want a dance?
Who wouldnt love a trip to the zoo? A zoo without cages where the animals come up to you, smile and sit on your lap while they feign interest in whatever bullshit conversation you ineptly try to make up. Where else can one come face to face with disgusting subhuman trash and have them gleefully grind...
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Hey honey want a dance?
Who wouldnt love a trip to the zoo? A zoo without cages where the animals come up to you, smile and sit on your lap while they feign interest in whatever bullshit conversation you ineptly try to make up. Where else can one come face to face with disgusting subhuman trash and have them gleefully grind...
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haha I love Jim Goad. Along with Peter Sotos he is among my favourite authors.
Funny, I was just thinking "Peter Sotos" when I was reading this.
I really need to get more fiber in my diet.
I am tired of tears and laughter,
And men that laugh and weep;
Of what may come hereafter
For men that sow to reap:
I am weary of days and hours,
Blown buds of barren flowers,
Desires and dreams and powers
And everything but sleep.
But its all like looking at photos or TV footage of thousands killed by hurricanes or gas attacks in Iraq....
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And men that laugh and weep;
Of what may come hereafter
For men that sow to reap:
I am weary of days and hours,
Blown buds of barren flowers,
Desires and dreams and powers
And everything but sleep.
But its all like looking at photos or TV footage of thousands killed by hurricanes or gas attacks in Iraq....
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The following is a chronicle of my trip to Las Vegas, NV on the dates of December 15-17, 2004.
Day 1 The Loss of Innocence
I arrived in Vegas at about 6 pm, checked into the Luxor and immediately headed to the Aladdin for the buffet. I hadnt eaten all day so I was quite starving. I gorged myself on as much food as possible...
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Day 1 The Loss of Innocence
I arrived in Vegas at about 6 pm, checked into the Luxor and immediately headed to the Aladdin for the buffet. I hadnt eaten all day so I was quite starving. I gorged myself on as much food as possible...
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ya anal would usually be appart from FS and would incur an additional fee
Thank you so much for the nice comment you left on my set!!!!!
Wait, I wasn't wearing a hat!

Wait, I wasn't wearing a hat!
Today is a sad day indeed. A great man, a heroic man, a role model to us all has been sentenced to death. Scott Peterson, seemingly nothing more than a moron, fertilizer salesman, that when faced with the dreary fate of a inescapable situation at the hands of his stupid bitch-cunt of a wife made a simple pragmatic choice that most people in his position...
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Single mothers are a fucking disgrace. You know the kind one finds on dating sites, chat rooms and message boards all over the internet. These women are former party girls and pass-around sluts who as a result of their irresponsible fecundity are now forced to stay at home bored out of their minds. Previously their only reason for existing was to have their cunts violently...
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brilliant as always dude. i really like the way that you metaphorically (or perhaps literally?) form a parallel between the digestive process and the reproductive process (ex. cunt spew, or see thanksgiving entry).
it begs the existential question - are we all excrement?
it begs the existential question - are we all excrement?
Indeed we are, for what is a cunt if not another toilet? What invariably must come out of both is not but excrement.
Thanksgiving... that time of year when a bunch of fat fucks sit around a table gorging themselves to a gluttonous stupor on hormone bloated turkey and stuffing. Nothing could be more revolting than sight of a overstuffed hog vehemently devouring mouthful after mouthful of hastily prepared foodstuff, faintly gasping for breath between desperate swallows, penis faintly erect at the sight of another bountiful platter of...
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Eating doesn't give me a hard-on. Except for that it sounds painfully familiar.
yeah, hope you dont mind me hyping yr writing. part of me is hesitant to tamper with the misanthropy that seems to fuel yr writing. but another part of me likes to see talent recognized, since talent is rare & the moronic population of this planet recognizing it is rarer still. so keep up the hate & the writing
I am like broken glass. You are like bare feet. Together we make rivers of blood appear.
updating this thing has become an exercise in futility so from now on this journal shall be entirely of a conceptual nature:
This first entry shall consist of nothing more than the sound two velcro strips coming apart unto infinity.
This first entry shall consist of nothing more than the sound two velcro strips coming apart unto infinity.
hey dude, it's probably not much of a consolation for you, but i read your journal regularly. i think your writing is great. so, futile? maybe. The new "conceptual nature" is cool (the velcro sound gave me something to ponder) but if you're thinking about bailing, i'd urge you not to because i'd be less amused. i found your site because i thought your post on some prostitution board was funny, & then i saw that you are a really great writer. that entry about filth infecting you or whatever it was was fucking brilliant. so um, yeah. futile? maybe. but keep it flowin anyway.
i'm shocked that someone actually reads my drivel. I intend to continue this futile quest until i find something better
pregnant women are revolting
You bore me.
to rectums detractors i say this: even if you disagree with rectums social critiques, youve got to admit that this is some damn good writing