my constitutional law professor was telling the class how one of the supreme court justices (i can't remember which one) was visiting our school and a student asked a question about the constitution. in order to answer the question the justice whipped out his copy of the constitution. anyways the point of the story was that my professor was telling how even the justices of... Read More
For some reason, I have this hilarious image of Scalia in his black robe, whipping out a pocket-sized Constitution, and feverishly rifling through the pages with his thumbs.
Well, maybe if you can't take the Constitution to the final, you can memorize it by watching "Schoolhouse Rock" over & over again...(sing along)"We the people, in order to establish a more perfect union..."
You see the thing is, if you kids start learning the constitution now, when you do become supreme court justices, because we know you will, you should not have to whip out the constitution to answer a question. So by doing this you're setting the standards for future generations.
But the professor still is an asshole for not letting you use it. Bastard.
did i mention i just did a four hour final on less sleep then four hours?
you have not experienced life, if you haven't had the fun of a law school final exam. let me tell ya its fucking nuts to think that you go to school for a whole semester and it all comes down to... Read More
the other day i ordered out...and it was to this italian place (italian still shocks and amazes me)...anyway...i got this seafood lasagna....fuck it was tasty...tasty and messy...
thanks for the birthday wishes...
you remember that Simpson's when Homer started doing the freakouts again? it was funny...
it's always better to know though. pshycological edification, cause and effect relationships, those bring meaning to life. without knowing we'd just be living in trees and flinging poopoo at each other.
too much homework, too much stress, it's getting to the end of the semester and i don't want to be here any more.
i don't want to look for a job for next year, when i don't even want to work, and i feel compelled to look for a job because people say i should. why the fuck am i listening to them?... Read More
I can relate to your plight. During my first year of law school, I went to school and worked on the weekends (and at night). I had a terrible time trying to keep up, spend time with family and friends, and do well. In the end, I survived. But, I learned to take life one day at a time, that all problems will pass, and to enjoy life.
ever wish you could see yourself through someone else's eyes? i think everyone has a some what distorted view of themselves...whether its a better view or a worse view.
i just wish i could see what other people see, cuz the things they say, i just can't believe.
i wish people who decided that they didn't want to be a part of my life, would... Read More
too fuckin busy too write anything good. 9:30 and i've been doing homework for 5 hours and i STILL have a paper to write! and a deadline to turn in a resume for a job tomorrow...and and and...BLAH
(i had a really good trip. maybe i'll tell ya'll about it sometime)