i am so sad today. last night i came home to find my bird had died. he was completely normal on thursday. moving around eating and chirping. then last night i came home and doc and i found him dead. i had the bird for 2 yrs. he was really sick when i got him and i nursed him back to health. i spent so much time with him. he was my first pet that was all mine. i tried to take such good care of him but i guess nothing would have worked. i have had other pets but this one was really special. i really loved that bird and i just feel so sad. i wish i would have known that something was wrong. it just came as such a surprise. i even bought him new toys and treats last week and he didnt even get to play with them. i just wish i had been here so i knew what happened. it probably seems so stupid to be so sad over a bird but i have never cried over a pet like this. maybe its from more than that i dont know. i feel so defeated today. i think i just really miss my friend.
that sad